Layout Auto-save file bad
I just had a Layout crash after an approximately 4 hour work session. When I restarted Layout and opened the recovered file I received an error message "pages missing". Once the file opened I discovered there were only three out of Nine pages (The three that I had been working on during this session).
The pages were unchanged from when I began work 4 hours earlier. My Auto-save is set to 5 minutes.
I am guessing that the crash happened during an auto-save. I am on a Mac and have time machine. I thought that I could just enter time machine and look for the auto-save file that was active at my last time machine backup but I am not able to find where the auto-save files are located.
Does anyone have any ideas that might help me recover my lost work?
LayOut has two systems to prevent lost work: file backup, and auto-save.
File backup works like this: every time a file is saved, the previous version of the file is renamed with a "~" (on mac) or with "backup_" (on windows). This file will be in the same directory as the actual file that you're working on. If you ever save a file, and then realize that you saved changes you didn't want, you can try opening this backup file to basically go back to the last saved version.
Auto-save works like this: when LayOut crashes, it leaves files behind in the user's temporary directory. The next time LayOut runs, it presents these temporary files in the "Recovered Files" dialog. Since this happens automatically, it's a bit harder to know exactly what state your work is in.
So, to recover work, the first thing to do is to look for the backup file. If that's not present, or is too old to be useful, you can run LayOut and see what's available in the "Recovered Files" dialog.