Component bounding box size
I created a component out of a image (2d people), then inserted it into a model, the blue box around the component was several times bigger then the component, making it difficult to work with. How do I size down the blue (bounding?) box.
you must have a stray piece of geometry in there somewhere. open the group/component, double click on the character then hold the shift key and drag select the whole screen; now hit delete. this has happened to me before, i hope this works for you.
Happens to me all the time with imported components.
Try exploding and creating the component again, or: go inside the component, group the contents, then close the components and explode it.
Thanks, but didn't work. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Will try again later tonight.
Addenda: Think I got it. Before you save the skp, change to front view, parallel projection, and zoom all.
Hit these a few times where it turned out that some subcomponent deep inside the main component had its origin set way outside its actual bounds. Made it near impossible to find since there wasn't any actual geometry out there to see or select, and the subcomponent was a small one that would be easy to overlook.
Joe, how did the component axes get set so far away from the geometry? Makes you wonder, don't it?
@dave r said:
Joe, how did the component axes get set so far away from the geometry? Makes you wonder, don't it?
At a guess, that subcomponent was probably part of something else, which was then mostly deleted and then saved/imported into the new component.
IIRC, the worst one I've seen was a lamppost from the warehouse that was a couple hundred feet from the origin. I figure somebody had a street scene, then deleted everything but the lamppost and did a save as.