Layout creates multiple style copies
Layout has started to create copies of the Engineering Style. In the Sketchup Model window - Styles tab, when I select [Engineering style]1, it creates [Engineering style]2. When I select [Engineering style]2, it creates 3, and so on (stopped at 10). There doesn't seem to be any way of deleting them. If I exit LO, restart and open the file I'm left with 3 copies.
I tried to upload the simple test file, but the damn thing is 6mb, over the board limit. Why would a layout file with nothing in it be that big?
SU Pro 2014, Win8
After learning that a layout file is really a zip archive, and that if you add .zip to the file name you can open it in winzip/7-zip etc., I opened the ref folder in the archive and found many copies of styles. I deleted all but one of each stile, saved the archive, then opened it in layout. As expected, only one of each style was visible. I selected each style in turn, saved and closed layout, then reopened the archive in 7-zip to, once again, find multiple copies of the styles.
BTW, in the archive you can see all the stuff that makes the layout file so bloated.
I discovered that the large file size was due to my SU default drawing template containing unused components. A quick purge-unused from Window|Model Info|Statistics fixed the problem. The layout file/archive contains a copy of linked .skp files which contain whatever's in the default template.
My template was about 15mb (my bad). The compressed .skp file size in the layout archive was about 6mb.
In layout there are two places where you can get styles from to use on your document:
1 - Sketchup model - wich it's symbol is the small house on the styles tab
2 - Styles Library - wich is any library you have/create on sketchup, if you keep adding styles from here with the same name, it will keep on adding them to your document but won't replace them... Maybe that's what's happening.