Current news on 3d printing
Around The Internet Today;
German 3D Printer manufacturer Voxeljet modernizes a 5,000 year old wax investment casting process | Scott
New FACTUM High Speed Sintering 3D Printer, Prints Objects In Under a Second | Brian Krassenstein
3D Printing of a Real Driveable Car | Michael CurryBLOGS & the WEB
Will 3D Printers Smash the Dual Menace of Big Business and Big Government? | John Nolte
The Wild, Wonderful World of 3D Printing | Teresa Mastrangelo
3D Printed Greetings from Galway | The Shapeways Blog: 3D Printing News & Innovation
Tattoo Robot Created From Hacked Makerbot 3D Printer | Mitch Hensley
Surgery: Doctors Implant World’s First 3D-Printed Skull | Author: Joelle Renstrom
3D Printing Repairs Baby’s Trachea And Bronchi | Mar 26, 2014Sarah MangiolaAmazing: 3D-printed robot MARC to be showcased at UK engineering event |
3D Printing to Save the Caribbean Reefs |
3D Printing Meme Thread |
Amazing 3D Prints of Sakaki Kaoru |
Food: 3D Printing: A Shift in the Food Industry? | Written by Clara Weill-Raynal
Designed for Healthy Eating: Foodini - a 3D Food Printer | by Natural Machines
Fashion: 3D Printed Fabrics – in Nylon SLS (Now for Sale!) | digits2widget
Enterprise: New GE Plant Will Assemble World’s First Passenger Jet Engine With 3D Printed Fuel | Fit to Print
3D Printed Electric Motorcycle - 2015 Energica Ego |
3D Printing in the Home |
3d Print Canal House |
Pebble Steel 3D Print Files Released | 3dprintx
Revolution: “Personal 3D printers will be a bigger revolution than the Internet.” | Chris Anderson -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )March 27, 2014 NEWS
Revolution 3D printing making its way into the mainstream (With Video) | windsorstar.com3D Printing Poised to Disrupt…Well Everything |
3D Printing: The Technology of Tomorrow That Exists Today | Brianna Valleskey
Materials 3D printers use carbon-reinforced engineering polymers |
Slideshow: More Seismic Shifts in 3D Printing Materials |
Food 3-D Printers and the future of candy |
Enterprise Byron Robotics Team Goes 3D |
Astronaut asks 'what if Apollo 13 had a 3D printer'? | Rose Brooke
Show Walter Isaacson, 3D printing and education startups take the stage at New Orleans | nola.comMarch 28, 2014 NEWS
Medicine 3D printing technology could change medicine | timesdelphic
Bioprinting, Part 2 - The Ethical Conundrum | Richard Adhikari
Neuroplastic Fantastic Brand Lovers | Joe Mandese
Transparent 3D-printed skull successfully implanted | voiceofrussia
BCM: 3D Experiment: Week 4 ‘Mind officially blown? That’s OK, 3D print yourself a new one’ | digital-media
Penguin to receive 3D printed eco-friendly beak at Warsaw Zoo |
Education Purdue students show how to innovate with soybeans | Rushville Republican
Gargoyles Take Flight in High School Design Class 27 Mar, 2014 | By: Jade Nuber
Bristol UWE students unveil the world's first 3D printer set to "revolutionise ceramics" | bristolpost
3D printing hub opening up a whole other dimension for students at Tollbar and Cleethorpes| grimsbytelegraph
TECHNOLOGY Paper Printer Will Be Dead In 4 Years Printers to become obsolete | Kevin Curran
Q&A HTSA's Bob Hana on the Year Ahead, Ultra HD, 3D Printing and More | Bob Hana
Food Be a master chocolatier, no culinary skill required! The $99 3D printer that churns out | Sadie Whitelocks
Aircraft 3D printing trials of unmanned aircraft take off at Sheffield | Alun Williams
3D printing trials of unmanned aircraft at the University of Sheffield broaden the possibilities | Sheffield News
Machine business Philips wants to sell you 3D printed hue luminaires | slashgear
Neri Oxman Unveils "Gemini" Cocoon-Like Acoustic Chaise Produced with Stratasys Color | itbusinessnet
New, small 3D Printing pen to hit the market | Daniel O'Connor -
MapJapan Embraces 3D Mapping Techniques | news
company ShapeDo: A Community-Driven 3D Printing Repository | 3dprinter
Stratasys Color Multi-Material 3D Printing: a Sound Idea for Gemini Acoustic Chaise | stratasys
A Sign Of The 3D Printed Times: Shapeways New York Times Feature | shapeways
Design for 3D Printing: Prepping mechanical parts for 3D printing for Shapeways | adafruit
3D Printing: 5 Exciting Startups Using the Technology Written | Dennis Mitzner
Apply to Become a Reseller of BigRep Full-Scale 3D Printers | bigrep
Q&A Q&A with Senior Associate Attorney, Daniel Brean | Crystal Everson
workshop May workshops at Deezmaker: Intro 3D printing and Arduinos! | deezmaker
3D Printing Club's First Printer |
Fabrication Marius Watz’s Modelbuilder Processing Libraries – Parametric Design for Digital | adafruit
Soft Robot Glaucus Moves Without Spine, Armature, or Hardware | adafruit
Metal Casting with Your 3D Printer | Matt Stultz
Honey, I 3D Printed the President: Fab Lab Space Pops Up Near the White House | gereports
Inventors 3D Printing Opens Doors for Inventors | by Tracy Spahr
Practical Application of 3D Printing | bhshelpdesk
UBC Rapid Recycles 3D Printer Filament With Help of Liquid Nitrogen | by Brian Krassenstein
Aut Ex Uno Plures – RotoMAAK Rotocasting and 3D Printing | Halterman
prosthetic Why 3D Printing Is Shaping The Future Of Prosthetics | PSFK LabsThank you for your postings d12dozr, watkins and Cotty
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )March 29, 2014 news
EnterprisePhoto release -- 3d systems delivers 3d printing 20 to baselworld 2014 | consumer electronics net
Why is hp entering the 3d printing industry? | Trefis
3D printer factory coming to dothan | wtvy, dothan
Medicine3D-printing humans | motherboard
The man in the nylon mask | personalize
Surgeons perform 'world's first' implant of entire 3d-printed plastic skull dome (video) | rt (blog)
Using laser additive manufacturing to make ear implants with memory | industrial laser solutions magazine
TECHNOLOGYWork begins on the world's first 3d-printed house | the guardian (blog)
Engineers print a functioning 1.5M-wide prototype unmanned aerial vehicle | phys.Org
Architecture/engineering: making a difference | prairie business
ShowSpring hktdc electronics, ict and lighting fairs open in april | it business net
RevolutionUniversity course teaches computer-human interaction with open hardware and oss | opensource
Iowa city's oculus rift | iowa public radioMarch 30, 2014 news
TECHNOLOGYHow 3d printing will create on-demand swarms of disposable drones | gizmodo
Brits print out disposable low-cost drone | the voice of russia
Bricks? Pah! Work begins on world's first 3d-printed house | metroMoney Is there value in 3d systems? | Gurufocus.Com
ShowPitt state g3 expo gives attendees in-depth look at graphics, gadgets and games | koam-tvMarch 30, 2014 news
RevolutioniMake iLearn – The Journey of the 3D Printer | Karie Huttner
3D printers make the jump to hyper-space, leaving the law behind | euronews
EnterpriseXYZprinting Launches da Vinci 1.0 3D Printer | Posted by: DE Editors
General Electric Brings 3D Printing Pop-Up to DC | By: May Wildman
3D Printing Makes Track Spikes Custom Designed For Performance Possible | Samantha Pankey
Medicine 3D relief: Arlington man among the first to receive custom knee implants | star-telegram
3D Printed Mold Used to Make PDMS Microchamber for Cancer Research | Novus Light Technologies Today
EducationToronto Reference Library innovator-in-residence Derek Quenneville on the practicalities |thevarsity
3D ceramics printing business idea developed by Bristol team at University of West of England | Bristol Post
3D Systems Names Special 3D Design Challenge Winners of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards | marketwatch -
Materials and Methods 3D Printing Methods and Technologies Explained - WhiteClouds |
Lomiko Metals: A Graphene 3D Printing Materials Vendor in Latest "Research & Markets" | 3dprintingstocks
Sierra Resins and 3D Printlife Prepare New 3D Bioplastic Filament | 3D Printer World |
Dental New Micro-SLA 3DPrinter from 3D Systems Expands Dental Lab Capabilities | Sarah Boisvert
Company From the Adafruit Learning System: 3D Printed Animatronic Robot Head | adafruit industries
Sam Cervantes Solidoodle BloombergTV Interview - 3D Printing Industry |
Food Contest For Best 3D Printed Food, Business Idea |
Printing the Future: 3D Systems VP Talks 3D Printed Food and Trillion Dollar Asteroid |
Spain: First 3D Printing cafe in Europe opens in Barcelona (comments) |
Inventors 3D Printing Opens Doors for Inventors - Small Business Solutions | The UPS Store
Personalize your 3D printed bow ties with water transfer printing (video) - 3D Printer |
MadeSolid Offers Versatile 3D Printing Materials | 3D Printer World |
Set to Streamline the Retail Supply Chain Through Reduced Lead Times and Inventory |
Surgery Video: 3D Printing for Life Altering Reconstructive Surgery - 3DPI.TV |
Science in the News: Woman Receives a 3D Printed Skull | Antisense Science |
Technology 3D Printing Service i.materialise | Amphibious Vehicle |
Era of 3D printing's upon us | My Paper | ?? |
Student Technology Fee to boost online tutoring, 3D printing at NDSU - NDSU News (NDSU) |
Will we all own a 3D printer by 2040? - e27 |
3D Printing and Intellectual Property - AIJA | -
ArtJoshua Harker Pioneers 3D Printing in the Art Scene | Joshua HarkerFD 4-wheel Louve Van Sn3½ Scale | Marbelup Models
WorkshopA Family Workshop in Critical 3D Printing: Concepts, Techniques and Workflows | Golan Levin
Where can I find cheap parts for my DIY 3d printer | element14
DroneHow 3D Printing Will Create On-Demand Swarms of Disposable Drones | blacklistednews
3D Printed Arduino Rocket Launcher | 3dprintboard
Enterprise MD Helicopters Turns to 3D Printing for Advanced New Hybrid Design | 3D Printing Industry
SELF Footwear 3D Prints Feet for Bespoke Footwear | Michael Molitch
RevolutionEfficiency through 3D prints | thestar -
California here Shapeways comes! - Shapeways Blog on 3D Printing News & Innovation | Shapeways Blog
Designer Spotlight: Susan Taing - Shapeways Blog on 3D Printing News & Innovation |
3d print coated with solid copper metal by Shapespeare - Thingiverse | Thingiverse
Sigma Labs 3DP Quality Control Sensor System - 3D Printing Industry |
City X Project Challenges Students with 3DP - 3D Printing Industry |
3D Print or Specialty Fabricate Community Sourced Design by SYNCFAB |
Disposable 3D Printed Airborne Drone Search Team Built In a Day | 3D Printer World |
Chris Anderson on Drones, 3D Printing and the Postal Ecosystem - PostalVision 2020 |
3d-printing in ceramics 3D Printing Channel Videos 3D Printers Services Technology |
Architectural 'Divine Unity' Realized With 3D Printing | 3dprinterworld.comThe Digital Nirvana Blog Archive Using 3D Printing to Drive Digital Print Marketing |
3D Printing Almost Everything! - GeekBeat.TV - Revision3 |
The DRAGON @ Inside 3D Printing Expo... - Google Groups |
3D Printers Pose Threat to Global Economy- Mysterious Universe |
World's smallest 3D printing pen primed for Kickstarter launch - Design Engineering |
Colorado Tech Weekly #42: Little Bit of Everything. Startups, 3D printing, Education and Media| builtincolorado
3D printing for foodies - Whim |
Printing News Digest: March 31, 2014 Print Conductor |
greener 3d printing materials? - Going Green @your library | -
Saleen Automotive Uses 3D Printing to Prototype Their Brand of Automotive Madness |
Making Bank: Shapeways Partners With The United States Mint | shapeways
Making 3D-printed snaps | Nervous System blog · Jessica
Metal-Plastic Voxel 3D Printing Pursued - 3D Printing Industry | - 10 completely 3D printed houses appears in Shanghai, built under a day |
Appaloza, Secure 3D Printing Marketplace, Alpha Build Launches |
Massive Japanese 3D Printing Alliance Looks for Manufacturing Success - |
Additive Disruption Summit brings investors and brightest minds in 3d Printing together in San | secured3d
Wow, UPS Offering 3D Printing Now - 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board |
Making The Zero Theorem More Than Zero – FATHOM3D Prints A Part of the Puzzle |
Tom Fripp, design guru 3D-printing STUNNING facial prostheses on Vimeo |
Printing in a Whole New Dimension: 3D Printing FactsInfographic |
This is the Solution to Copyright Problems with 3D Printing |
3D-Printed Shoe Soles - Orthotics are Receiving a Makeover Thanks to 3D-Printing Tech | -
Candles with a 3D printer & scanner #3DThursday #3DPrinting #3DScanning « adafruit industries ... | adafruit
Summer RA positions – 3D Printing Projects | Semaphore | Semaphore · amy
Reddit 3D Printed Musical Instrument Contest Winners Announced #3DxMusic #3DThursday ... | adafruit
Haptics - Cubify - Latest 3D Printing News From Cubify | Cubify · Saskia
Great News for our SketchUp Users | i.materialise
3D Printing Prints from the Moon - 3D Printing Industry |
Why The Future Growth of The 3D Printing Market Is Being Underestimated - |
Some SketchUp Tips for 3D Printing - Fabbaloo | fabbaloo.com3D-Printing / Additive Manufacturing / AM / Rapid Prototyping / Laser sintering / generative ... |
Update on 3D Printing in Windows - The Windows Blog |
Download now: "3D-Printing" An Open Source Revolution For Hardware? - Polarion Software |
Seminar - 3D Printing 2.0 - Portland - Peak Solutions LLC |
UVa-Wise offers opportunity to experiment with 3D printing | The University of Virginia's College|
Dutch Design Competition Jury Selects the Top 14 Finalists for 3D Printing |
Special effects: making rain, 3D printing & blow-up greenscreens | fxguide |
3D Printing as a Long Term Solution for Independent Product Designers - Sculpteo Blog |
Report from the 3D Printing EXHIBITION in WARSAW, Poland! | Zortrax 3D Printer |
3D-printing buildings from REVIT - FabLab Innovation- Instructables |
3D Printer: Lake Macquarie City Library|
MagicBox - Magicallyfinish your 3D prints! by SKY-TECH Co., Ltd. — |
3D Printing for the Art Classroom | Design Make Teach |
3D print - a galleryon Flickr |
Love 3D Printing? Join Us in Creating a New Summer Program for Kids! - Craigslist | -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )April 3, 2014 NEWS
Belgian 3D printing company Materialise files for IPO | Reuters
3D printing trials of unmanned aircraft broaden possibilities for this emergent technology | domain-B
Expert: Vast potential for 3D printing technology | Dothan Eagle
Cupertino siblings make it to finals of 3D printingcontest | San Jose Mercury News
Seattle StartupEnergizes 3D Printing Industry |
Artist Turns Your Brainwaves Into 3D-Printed Sculptures | Mashable
DIA 2014 50th Annual Meeting to Explore the Impact of 3d Printing On Health Care |
Philips takes efficiency to the next dimension with 3D printed lamps | (blog)
Pretoria firm set to produce 3D designs | Independent Online
Needed: 3D Printer Auto Ejection |
Permanent tattoos inked by hacked 3D printer | New Scientist
Laws Slowto Catch Up With 3D Printing | Tolerance
5 Things Worth Knowing About Hammacher's Handheld 3D Scanner (list) | Gadget Review
Earth and computer sciences collaboration a success | Voxy
Flemington Girl Scouts learn coding and video game design at Game-U | Hunterdon County Democrat
WhiteClouds at Mediabistro's Inside 3D Conference and Expo | PR Web (press release)
Aerospace firms can do more with less with digital design tools | Avionics IntelligenceApril 4, 2014 NEWS
3D printing heads toward mass production | Computerworld3D-printed modules for Google's Ara phone coming early next year | PCWorld
3D Systems CEO touts '3D Printing 2.0' as it attempts to pre-empt HP| ZDNet
3D printing demo to be part of RoboBOTS sideshows | Meadville Tribune
3D Printed Wave Hook Bath Tub Wine Glass HolderHas a Successful Campaign |
Six clicks: 3D printing industry predictions for the next 5 years | ZDNet (blog)
Autodesk CEO debunks the hype on 3D printing, says industrial 3D printing is the real revolution|TechRepublic
Francis Bitonti Studio's 3D Printed Cloud Collection Changes the Face of Manufacturing | DigitalJournal
The next frontier in 3-D printing: Human organs | KPHO Phoenix
Wear It: 3D-printed jewellery on parade in London | Personalize
Youth to take part in 3D printing workshop at Darwin Civic Centre | Perth Now
BCM's 3D Experiment:'Look Mum! Look what I just printed!' | B&T Marketing & Media
$99 ChocaByte 3D Chocolate Printer In Development | Geeky gadgets
Purdue Students Show How to Innovate with Soybeans |
Little Dipper mug solves problem of biscuits being too big to be fully submerged | Daily Mail -
TAKT project uses 3D printing to transform everyday objects | Spoon & Tamago · Ginisty Gauthier
Shapeways talks 3D Printing in London - Shapeways Blog on 3D Printing News & Innovation | Shapeways
3D Printing A Belt Buckle With Adobe Photoshop | ANDREW TRICE · Andrew
3D Printing Conference: Inside 3D Printing New York April 2nd-4th | adafruit industries blog · Matt
3D Printing Money: Prodigy | Rock, Paper, Shotgun · Ben BarrettKidslearn about 3D printing, engineering, teamwork thanks to | Germanna Community College News Blog
Complex 3D PrintedArt Collaborations From Modla You Have Got to See | · Josh Mings
What Will Hewlett-Packard Bring to the 3D Printing Party?| THE MOLDING BLOG · Doug Smock
Microsoft Updates 3D Printing Support In Windows 8.1 | · comeusmedia
3D Systems Brings 3DPRINTING 2.0 to Inside 3D Printing NYC Conference | Computing Design News
Belgian3D printing pioneer Materialise files for $125 million IPO - |
3D Printing Biomimicry Leads to Righteous Ripping| - Studio Under develops a large & fast ceramic3D printer | 3D Printer News & 3D |
3D Printed Helmet Cams Turn Heads in Hollywood |
Making Math 3D - Getting Smart by Megan Mead - 3D printing, edchat, EdTech, mathchat |
Bonsai Mini 3D Printer Released in Japan - 3D Printing Insider |
3D Printing Gets a Boost and Opportunities with Polymer Materials- ACS Macro Letters | - Days of 3D Printing in Kielce, Poland | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News |
30 Inspiring Examples of 3D Printing « Adobe CreativeCloud - Adobe Blogs | -
Breakthrough in Tissue Printing: Scientists Discover Way to 3D Print Tissues With Blood Vessels ... | Travis Starnes
3D Printing Helps Fix Child's Heart, Save Life -
Scientists Develop Giant 3D Printer That Can Build A House In 24 Hours | Collective-Evolution
Photos: Check out Fathom, Seattle's newest 3D printing production center | GeekWire
Here On SketchUcation Community Forums
3D printing - Indext list for 2014 Jan-April 6by d12dozr » Yesterday, 7:40 am
*3D Printed teeny tiny cabin in color |;t=57157*SpaceClaim for 3D Printing |;t=56713
*scale and stamping and 3d print |;t=56776
Reversed Faces |;t=56440
3d print problem |;t=56419
Autocad 123D Catch |;t=45305
TZ7 |;t=56236
A new modeling tool/software? |;t=56222
'The World's Easiest-To-Use 3D Printer' |;t=56307
Model Verification for 3d printing |;t=56280
Robot air hockey project (3d printer hack) |;t=56238
Moi + 3D Print = flying propeller! |;t=56079
3D Printing Q&A |;t=56013
Turning smartphone into a mobile 3D scanner |;t=55385- Newly updated Indext list 3 times
3D printed puzzle - instructables | Instructables.Com
3D-printed stone and liquid metal birth the world's creepiest car | Colin Druce-McFadden
3D printing brings the cities of the future into miniature reality | dvice | Dvice.Com
3Ders.Org - 3d printed column as a symbol for new architectural possibilities | 3Ders.Org
New 3d printing: one step closer to a star trek future? Stephen's lighthouse new | Stephenslighthouse.ComPrometheus hot end on indiegogo | 3Dprinterworld.Com
Inside 3d printing nyc, photos from day 2 | 3Dprint.Com
The filthy platen: thoughts on 3d printing a typewriter. | Blogspot.Com
3D printing for dog surgery receives funding boost | 3Dprinterworld.Com
3D printing is a marketing weapon of mass construction - blog | Cgtrader.Com -
3D Printing – A Shared Adventure– DEN Blog Network | DEN Blog Network · Karie Huttner
IKOS: 3D Printed 'Lego' - 3D Printing Industry |
How Does 3D Printing Work? - 3D Printing Hub |
The Micro: The First Truly Consumer 3D Printer by M3D LLC |
How 3D Printing Could Easily Eliminate Homelessness In the U.S. Right Now - |
3M futureLAB Students Build Tiny 3D Printed Mobile House for Millennials | inhabitat.comThis awesome 3D printed YoYo sets itself apart from the rest |
Field/Mechanical Engineer x 1 (3D Printing) & Application Engineer (3D Printing) x 1 |
Breaking bulbs 3D printed lamps by Gassling » Retail Design Blog |
Fashion- 3D Printed on Pinterest |
Solar-powered3D printed tower - Designer Daily |
igusDonated 3D printerfor German high-school (Gymnasium) |
The First $299 3D Printer Hits Its Kickstarter Goal In 11 Minutes | TechCrunch · John Biggs
Psychobob Arts: 3D Print: Dead Space Nano Circuit Bench | Psychobob Arts · Psychobob
Hodentek:3D printing and Microsoft | Hodentek · Jayaram Krishnaswamy
Rachel Park's Review of Days 2 & 3 at Inside 3D Printing NYC - 3D Printing Industry |
3D Printing Factory-In-A-Store in Pittsburgh - 3D Printing Industry | | pinterest.comAllied Glass Containers 3D Printing Bottle Prototypes |
German Retailer Media Markt Experimentswith 3D Printing |
3D Printers toPush the Boundaries of Medical Innovation | Hill+Knowlton Strategies |
Titan 1: Revolutionary Desktop SLA3D Printer with PSP Tech |
Transforming mealtimeswith 3D-printed food |
Autodesk 123D: Model a Screwdriver for 3D Printing - Drafting for Interior Design with Lydia Sloan ... | -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )April 1, 2014 NEWS
3D Printing May Be The Future: Cricut Explore Is Now | Forbes
3D Printing to Grow Quickly and Soon | IT Business Edge (blog)
3D-Printed Turbine Replacement Parts Could Cut Repair Times by 90% | POWER magazineThe Future of 3D Printing in Healthcare | HIT Consultant
Etsy and the promise and questions of 3D printing | Chicago Tribune
LETU to attempt Guinness World Record for 3D printing | KETK
Engineer sells killer 3D-printed follow-focus gears through eBay | imaging resource
3D printing enthusiast rejoice, Slic3r version 1.0 is finally here | TweakTown
3D Printing putting the Great back into Great Britain's High Street | Personalize
Wallace Community College Students Use 3D Printing | WTVY, Dothan
Skills and 3D printers | Business Standard
Crowd-funded project hopes to create$700 3D printer | Drives & Controls
Three Over Seven 3D scans and prints custom-fit sockless shoes | Gizmag
The new 'selfie': 3D photography with ShapeShot from Direct Dimensions |
Penrice Academy in St Austell invests in state-of-the-art 3D 'MakerBot' printer |
Aussie startup to offer print-your-own glasses | The Australian Financial Review
Mexico and US leading low-cost manufacturing locations | Today's Medical Developments
Future Disruptions In Transportation -- 2014 And Beyond | ForbesApril 2, 2014 NEWS
A 3D Experience – Will 3D Printing Impact the Window Film Industry? | Window Film magazine
Laws Slow To Catch Up With 3D Printing | Voice of America
Japan gets serious about 3D printing using titanium | Geek
10 innovations in the 3D printing realm | ZDNet (blog)
3D Printed Livers Guide Transplant Surgeons' Hands | Healthline
Sneaking Duck Launches 3D Printed Glasses Made to Spec | Power Retail
Printing the Future: Introducing the New Leafly 3D Cannabis Printer | Leafly
Luxexcel invests in new productionsite |
Local tech firm helps keep old planes flying (Video) | San Antonio Business Journal (blog)
Baltimore BOOM! Academy: a vision for techeducationin East Baltimore [VIDEO] |
Bettendorf students, teachers create from imagination | Quad City Times -
3D Printing Daily update News at 9:00 am:
( Highlight web title, right click, click search engine and then goto web site )April 8, 2014 NEWS
3D Printing Bonds Liquid Metal And Stone To Ford Torino | Gas 2.0
3D Printing Systems wins at DesignBUILDas the exhibition wraps up for another year | Architecture and Design
Why 3D printing is an unmissable opportunityfor aerospace and defence | TechRadar UK
Man builds 3D printer at his home | Sunday Star Times
How Long till the 3D Printing Revolution? (INFOGRAPHIC) |
New course covers 3D printing materials | Metal Powder Report
3D Systems UpgradesIts Popular Sense(TM) Consumer 3D Scanner With New ... | MarketWatch
Gadget Show Live: Previewing the Robox 3D Printer | Tech Digest
Could 3D corals save ecosystem? | euronewsApril 9, 2014 NEWS
3D printing 101 | Livemint3D printing trials of unmanned aircraft broaden the possibilities for this emergent | Nanowerk
Navy Sees 3D Printing Aboard Shipsin Future |
The missing link in 3D printing: User-friendly software| TechRepublic
Intricate 3D-Printed Dress BringsCouture To The Home | PSFK
Community workshop aims to bring 3D printers to Guelph classrooms | Orangeville Banner
Buy the code to 3D print this bowl from artist Francis Bitonti |
Zaha Hadid and 3D Hubs team up for 3D Printing in Architecture and Design| Personalize
Check the fine print | Livemint
Researchers In Kentucky Are Trying To 3D Print A Working Human Heart | Business Insider Australia
3-D Printing: Art made real| Contra Costa College Advocate