How are things in YOUR country?
Dale, I said that 'tongue in cheek' but at the same time!!!!!
Something I've noticed over the past 5 years since the financial crash of 2008, is that a lot of ordinary folks that otherwise took little or no notice to local, national and global politics, are now starting to take a much more serious interest and doing their own research on what their elected reps are up to.
This can be seen from the many on-line blogs, newly formed grass root groups and such. I think that there is definitely a mass movement, although uncoordinated, that wishes to take more direct and ongoing control over their lives and not leave their fate in the hand of a few for periods of 5 years plus at a time.
The WWW is probably one of the main reasons for the resurgence of 'People Power', however we have a long way to go to get back to some kind of true democracy
The money/bank system is one of the main keys to understanding our world.
Q: The money we all use everyday for shopping, the money in our bank accounts, where do they come from?
A: They are debts.
Meaning we have a debt based money system. If all debts were repaid there would be no money in existence. Understanding this is very important.
This is the reason every nations debt is increasing. This is as pyramid scheme which demands economic growth and population growth . All because of the interest. I will simplify this by an example.
Say we have an isolated village of 10 people who are functioning with an economy like we have today. They need some money to exchange services and goods. Today this money comes from debt. Say 5 of them go to the bank and make a loan for $200 each, 10% interest. Total debt $1000. This money they use amongst themselves to exchange goods and services. 1 year later they have to pay back their loans 1000 + 10% = $1100. The problem is where do they get the 10 % from, there is not enough money to pay back the interest.
The solution: make another loan to pay the interest.
The villagers get into bigger and bigger debt, they have to work harder and harder and they soon find another temporary solution. We need more people who can make new loans and grow the economy. You see this is what all the talk about economic growth is all about. To keep the pyramid scheme going. To pay the interest on the loans.
A more detailed explanation: is why they try to get carbon credits going. That is another Ponzi scheme.
Five “climate exchanges” have already been set up that deal in the buying and selling of carbon credits. The two larger exchanges are the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), and Europe’s European Climate Exchange (ECX),
There is the stock market, where stocks and bonds are traded, and a commodities market where things like gold and silver and corn, wheat and soybeans are traded. Now come the carbon exchanges where carbon credits in the form of derivatives will be bought and sold.
Banks and other entities will be buying carbon credits, packaging them up, and selling them by the trillions. This is already well in motion in Europe, where carbon offsets have been being traded since 2005.
Everyone is set up and ready to go. The big banks have been investing in carbon friendly enterprises—Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America and Citigroup are some of the players. Not to be outdone, the World Bank has joined the CCX and now operates a Carbon Fund for Europe that helps countries meet their Kyoto Protocol requirements. Major corporations, including the large oil companies, are strong supporters of cap‐and‐trade legislation and are members of these carbon exchanges as well. And remember, the emission standards do not increase with population growth or increases in the number of plants or factories or their output. They are capped and are then lowered. Therefore carbon credits will continue to rise in price, as the supply will steadily decrease, driving higher demand. Escalating profits are built in if governments mandate the standards.
And standing on deck to become the first carbon billionaire is none other than . . . Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.This is not about saving the planet it is about making money. Think about the Catholic church and indulgencies. Its exactly the same. Pay your masters some money or you are doomed.
Do anybody really believe that increase in co2 levels are the cause for the increase in meteors and eartquakes. Yes the climate is changing but not because of co2. That is a scam.To sum it up: Understanding the money system is Critical to understanding what goes on. Remember an uninformed population is very easy to control. If the powers that be had our best interest in mind we would be informed. We are getting shafted ... royaly.
Thanks for your input Rodger. Its good to see others digging deeper into what is going on. I've been doing it for a couple of years after I started to get a 'fishy smells'
Prior to my digging around I was under the naive impression that when I got a loan from a bank they loaned me money that depositors had lodged and both the bank and the depositors got a split of the interest I paid back. In other words, if the deposits were not lodged by others, there would be no money for me to borrow and pay interest on! What an uninformed fool I was.
It looks that this magic creation of currency is now coming to an end. The puppet masters that thought up this racket did not seriously expect it to last forever and Carbon Tax is the next racket on the agenda to hoard wealth.
Al Gore! I never found him credible at any time and it looks that others think the same particularly a he seems not to practice what he preaches,
For example,
*'In February 2007, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research revealed that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president’s 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours. These figures were not disputed by Gore.
“If this were any other person with $30,000-a-year in utility bills, I wouldn’t care,” said the Center’s 27-year-old president, Drew Johnson. “But he tells other people how to live and he’s not following his own rules.”*
I could not find a rebut by Gore on the Net, so I take this to be the situation until I learn otherwise ..... I doubt I will.
Its worth watching the videos on Al Gore Set To Become First “Carbon Billionaire”, here,
I think Alex Jones' comment on the first video says a lot, "Hey! Should we ban Dihydrogen monoxide, its bad for the environment!" The average person will sign your petition for the banning of water! Yes, Dihydrogen monoxide is water'
I have more or less always felt something is not right With this system. In 2008/2009 I decided to find out more about the economy. I have learned more the last 5 years than the 40 years before 2008. It is just mind boggling what is really going on.
The good thing is this knowledge can really empower you after the initial shocks. So I keep on reading books and watching movies.We have not noticed much of anything here in Norway yet, so I am wondering how it will be when it hits here.
@rogerb said:
We have not noticed much of anything here in Norway yet, so I am wondering how it will be when it hits here.
From what I have been reading about Norway, the country is on a fairly sound footing. At least you guys would appear to have developed your own natural resources (oil) and not allowed the big multi nationals to rape the country.
For many years the Irish were led to believe that we had little or no natural resources. Current and past governments have more or less given these resources away for pennies! It now looks that Ireland has substantial oil / gas recourses in OUR part of the Atlantic. Hopefully we will follow Norway's example and learn how to develop these resources ourselves ...... but again that would involve electing politicians with some gray matter or at least honest! Maybe in time, hopefully.
Just watching what is happening in the Ukraine. It looks that it will take some time for the EU or Russia debate to be resolved.
[bbvideo 640,480] -
I apologize for automatic translation.
A recent article by Francesco Alberoni (a sociologist, journalist and writer. Italian)
An x-ray of Italy based on an incident.
The final sentence is very significant ...--------------------
If in the last century the people of Kerala had done captured two British soldiers , Britain would have just given the order to free them.
Things of the past tell me , has now disappeared from the colonial era . But imagine now that Italians all take a ship from two U.S. marines and want to trial for terrorism. The U.S. government would require us for their immediate release . And the same would happen with Russian soldiers , Chinese or Indian . What allows India to take our marines prisoners , transferring them from one side to the other , capriciously to postpone the dates of the process is the fact of being a great power with respect to which we are a nazioncina trembling and that counts for nothing that no one's interests to defend . In fact, even the UN has responded to 're on our own . The only entity which according to some is the European Union should intervene . But it is an illusion to think so.
The European Union does not have a state, not a government, not an economic policy , foreign policy , an army. Can not print money , put duties , establish immigration quotas , do not even have a border police. Ie it is not a great power in a condition to communicate on the same plane with the other . Something in our favor could do nations like England, France and Germany , but , beyond the words of the facade, did not care . In Europe, Italy is in a position of absolute subordination , it is always under attack , he must constantly account for everything he does . It is the last of the class. And this makes us uncertain , timid , clumsy . India had cleverly found a way to return the two marines in Italy , but we, too fearful, we sent them to him back.
The case of the sailor is just one example of the confusion that is now Italy . In all fields. And it is unnatural that continues . Especially in physics, as in biology or in social systems , when the disorder exceeds a certain threshold is always an unpredictable reaction that sweeps away the old and unable to renew reconstitutes the social order on a new basis . We are very close to this time.
I understand exactly what you are saying and particularly agree with the following,
@micione said:
The European Union does not have a state, not a government, not an economic policy , foreign policy , an army. Can not print money , put duties , establish immigration quotas , do not even have a border police. Ie it is not a great power in a condition to communicate on the same plane with the other . Something in our favor could do nations like England, France and Germany , but , beyond the words of the facade, did not care . In Europe, Italy is in a position of absolute subordination , it is always under attack , he must constantly account for everything he does . It is the last of the class. And this makes us uncertain , timid , clumsy . India had cleverly found a way to return the two marines in Italy , but we, too fearful, we sent them to him back.
The Eurocrats 'Puppeteers' when setting up the EU got the 'cart before the horse'. Europe should have continued with the open market we had which was running fine. I think we didn't need the € as the sole currency and I dare say the majority of the EU member states are now having second thoughts. Maybe we should have ran with dual currencies, a member country's own currency for domestic use and the € for trade. The only country the € suited was Germany to my way of thinking. At least it helped in the reunification of West and East Germany. I doubt it would have been as quick under the Mark.
I have been thinking about centralised governments, the EU Commission / Parliament and the Fed and feel that they are not really required these days. In this digital age, which facilitates more or less instant communications, I don't think we need all these multi-level bureaucracies (Administration of a government chiefly through bureaus or departments staffed with non-elected officials) and quangos.
In the Western World over the past 20 years, much higher percentages of the general population are 'clued in' when it comes to politics, economic, environmental matters et and are seeking more hands-on ongoing control over their destiny. A case in point, the pro EU group in the Ukraine as mentioned in an above post.
There now disturbing movements between Germany and the USA, Striking Back: Germany Considers Counterespionage Against US The 'bottom line' as far as Angela is concerned, 'Merkel needs a scalp. It remains unclear exactly what it will look like'.I don't know how many of you have heard of the British TV 'comedy', Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister. Rather than a comedy I now see it as parody, one that rings so true! Past episodes of Yes, Minister may be found here,
The situation with the Ukraine and the Crimea is much in the news. I've been readings and learning all I can about the current and historic position and feel that things are going to get very, very messy before they get better.
Sunday next there is going to be a referendum in Crimea on whether or not they stay part of the Ukraine or join the Russian Federation.
There are a lot of questions being raised about the actual format the ballot is taking. It seems Voters can vote for one of the following,
**“Are you in favour of the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a part of the Russian Federation?”
“Are you in favour of restoring the 1992 Constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”**
The first choice is clearly to rejoin Russia. The second is not as clear cut and many opinions are that it could be a slow motion reunification with Russia. There is no option to remain with the status quo, then again what the actual status quo is, who really knows!
I like to hear from any SCF members that live in these areas and hopefully get a better insight.
My post from May 2011 about WWIII:
@srx said:
google "USA bankrupt"
USA is lost. It has nothing...and has to take from others no meter what.
IMO people have to fight corporations instead of looking for new Indians.;feature=player_embedded
This is the real reason for Sadam - Irak, Osama Bin Laden - Aphganistan, (Milosevic - Serbia Kosovo), Mubarak - Egypt, Assad - Syria Gadaphi - Lybia... Osama Bin Laden - Pakistan? It is too close to China...People, it's too much!
If you look at this graph, U'll see that last time it was up - BUM! WWII, and now we reached the top again
WHAT DO YOU THINK?My post from January 2014 about Ucraine:
@srx said:
When liberal capitalism is in crisis it feeds and support hate to revitalize. This process is called fascism. Look at Ukraine. Liberal capitalism is supporting fascism, like in 1939....
My post from Mart 2014:
I don't know what reputation this man has in USA, but his writing is very truth. a picture explaning it all:
SRX, a picture is worth a thousand words, as they say
I very much doubt that the current tensions between any of the opposing factions will result in out and out war as we have see in the past. The presence of nuclear weaponry in many country's arsenals is the deterring factor, it would be a total Loose / Loose situation.
Albert Einstein was often quoted as saying***"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."***
I'm inclined to think it will come down to financial control and we see signs of this already happening. If the US keeps up its pressure on the Russian Federation with regard to the Ukraine / Crimea and China with regard to its 'claimed off shore islands', I would not be surprised to see attempts being made to dethroned the petrodollar by some type of a BRICS currency.
On the other hand I also would not be surprised if the 'real' powers that be already have in mind a total financial re-set. It would seem to many that the current system is clearly on its last legs!
Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild once said,"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ... The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply." Never a truer word has been said
SRX, I notice in your own neck of the woods that many Serbians would appear to be having second thoughts about joining the EU in 2020!
The EU is not all its 'cracked up to be'. I think the EU elections coming next May will throw a lot more euro skeptics into the mix and that might not be such a bad thing as I feel 'one size does NOT fit all'.
Case in point, for many years now Ireland has had Milk Quotas. This meant that dairy farmers could only produce a certain amount of milk! I could never fully understand the logic of this policy when a large proportion of the world is under nourished.
The good news this month is that these milk quotas are being lifted and the country will be getting back to what its good at ..... producing high quality food -
If there is a book about milk policy over the world, and in history, it should be quite a read, but understandable? IDK.
Life in the US if fairly good, not perfect but good. We muddle on, just like most other ordinary folks despite the image of being "warmongering liberal capitalists" with a perchance for "neo fascism".
@unknownuser said:
Case in point, for many years now Ireland has had Milk Quotas. This meant that dairy farmers could only produce a certain amount of milk! I could never fully understand the logic of this policy when a large proportion of the world is under nourished.
We have the same in the US. I live in an area with a lot of dairy farms and I know quite a few dairy owners who under produce due to Federal guidelines.
The problem, it seems, is this: if you glut the market with milk, or any product for that matter, it drives the prices down and has a destabilizing effect. For instance, if the US were allowed to produce all the milk it wanted, and it was being sold at a lower price due to the large quantity, it would have an adverse effect on milk prices in say, Ireland (or any other milk exporting country).
Seems silly that economic principles would trump humanitarian ones, but it does. That being said, still, a large part of the milk surplus we do have is converted into other products like cheese and distributed as aid in humanitarian programs.
@mike lucey said:
SRX, I notice in your own neck of the woods that many Serbians would appear to be having second thoughts about joining the EU in 2020!
Mike, I see you have a wider look on things than it is usual. Its nice to have internet and share knowledge. For instance, the text about Serbia is full of lies and half truths which is even worst. While reading it, I can once again see that global media politics has nothing to do with true, and lives of ordinary folks (this one is for IdahoJ). EU is projecting it's own scenario trough media in Serbia (which is all owned by EU), and by using their local staff, one of which is Aleksandar Vucic. He is not a normal person (in true meaning). He is profile similar to Hitler, but that's the a kind of partner west power centers are willing to work with, like their friends in Ukraine, who are not hiding they ideology is fascism. Like Hashim Thaçi - Snake, or Bin Laden, or Sadam Husein etc. Why? Because it is easy to control thees people without personality. And trough them the whole country. I think the majority of people in Serbia are against EU. They are mentioning that it is now about half. But looking the media only, one could only say its 95%! Got the picture? Joseph Goebbels works.
@mike lucey said: I feel 'one size does NOT fit all'.
Crucial fact.
@idahoj said:
Life in the US if fairly good, not perfect but good. We muddle on, just like most other ordinary folks despite the image of being "warmongering liberal capitalists" with a perchance for "neo fascism".
I'm also ordinary guy, despite the image of being wild Serbian animal. I believe you are the ordinary guy too. No, you are not the fascist. You got it wrong. You are the one in front of TV (see picture in may later post), thinking that bombing and killing other innocent people is ok as long as your government gives you "logical" excuse for doing it- something like "they are not ordinary guys, they are evil!"...and there goes in parts 4 children playing on the bridge. Sorry, I doubt there was anything you could do about it, but you must start doing something, because they just need your silent approval.
@idahoj said:
Life in the US if fairly good, not perfect but good. We muddle on, just like most other ordinary folks despite the image of being "warmongering liberal capitalists" with a perchance for "neo fascism".
Jeff, I know many US folks and find them to be decent and fair people. I imagine many of the politicians are decent and fair people deep down but I fear far too many of them have 'leased' their souls for the mighty buck!
Interestingly, I recently watched 'Inequality for All', a documentary by former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich. He says that the US middle classes are being gradually squeezed into bankruptcy from what I can determine form the facts and figures he shows! The bottom line appears that workers need to get unionized again. It looks that things have gone badly downhill for the average US worker on the paycheck department since Ronny Regan sacked the flight controllers!
SRX, good to get your perspective on Serbia. I was thinking that much more than 50% would not be in favour of joining the EU currently. They may not have to be concerned as it may be gone by 2020
I find it amazing the caliber of 'politician' that the US is willing to back in certain countries and they same now goes for the EU powers to an extent.
The next politician seeking my vote while handing me his/her leaflet listing all the things he/she will do once in power will be asked to sign the leaflet stating that he/she will resign if they do not at least try to implement what they say they will.
We really need to have some system of electorate recall on politicians. They can get us into too much crap over a 5 year period. Also no individual should be allowed to make political donations above what Joe Average could afford to contribute should he / she so be inclined ...... and that would definitely not run into the millions!!!
Mike, I place little to no faith in our government to do much of anything currently. We're struggling to bring some common sense back to our democracy, but it will take some time if it's to be done without an outright revolution and bloodshed. I have strong reservations about the Tea Party and it's destabilizing influence in Congress right now. Watching the mid-term elections will provide some insight into the future control and direction of our Legislative Branch.
@unknownuser said:
You are the one in front of TV (see picture in may later post), thinking that bombing and killing other innocent people is ok as long as your government gives you "logical" excuse for doing it- something like "they are not ordinary guys, they are evil!".
SRX, Actually, I don't watch broadcast TV at all and haven't for over 20 years. Can't stand the brain killing crap it serves up. No, I don't think it's "ok" to justify the bombing and killing of ANYONE, innocents or otherwise, just because my government provides some rationale. Diplomacy is the best course to take when it can be. Sanctions are preferable to bombs ...
@mike lucey said:
SRX, good to get your perspective on Serbia. I was thinking that much more than 50% would not be in favour of joining the EU currently. They may not have to be concerned as it may be gone by 2020
I don't think that Serbia in EU is their real goal. I think they also know that it's not going to happen. They are just using this "carrot on the stick" to take everything they can from Serbia (from land to human resources). Today west politics is nothing else than organized crime of the big corporations. And we, the ordinary people must fight against it. The state should have the ability to control corporations, and I think that it is the only human way.
@idahoj said:
SRX, Actually, I don't watch broadcast TV at all and haven't for over 20 years. Can't stand the brain killing crap it serves up. No, I don't think it's "ok" to justify the bombing and killing of ANYONE, innocents or otherwise, just because my government provides some rationale...
Cheers.I'm glad to here that. Cheers.
I thought that Newton's Law of action and reaction was suspended, but here is the latest news from Germany:;utm_medium=aplication_chrome%26amp;utm_campaign=chrome -
I've read what Gregor Gysi had to say and am glad to see that some common sense is being talked.
@srx said:
...... Today west politics is nothing else than organized crime of the big corporations. And we, the ordinary people must fight against it. The state should have the ability to control corporations, and I think that it is the only human way.
..........Maybe not entirely, ..... but there's a lot of thruth in these words.
Yes, I agree! It looks to me that big corps and banks are to all intents and purposes answerable to NO government.
There are moves afoot to change this situation but I won't hold by breath as 'money talks' and Big Money talks the loudest. On the other hand too much government control can be a bad thing when it comes to commerce. Show me a politician that has personally created true wealth or built a company that manufactures useful good or services? I think you would only need one hand to count them.
It looks to me more and more that 'we' (nations of the world) are heading towards some kind of New World Order as the so called 3rd World countries gradually 'catch up' with the Western World's living standards. BTW, I think many will agree that presently the living standards of the current Western World block are dropping year in year out!
I read an article by John Rubino Welcome to the Currency War, Part 14: Russia, China, India Bypass the Petrodollar which puts the case that the BRICS are bonding and setting themselves up as a power to be reckoned with. If they can pull it off and set up a new currency standard, possibly linked to gold, (Note! They are all currently accumulating vast amounts) I think the West as the leading economic force will have to 'push over in the bed' and make room for a new equal partner.
Now that the EU are signing deals with the US for cheap gas and placing less reliance on Russian oil / gas it looks like the world players are forming teams. Hopefully the 'play off' will not come to military conflict, then again I doubt this will be the case as the 'players' all have the total game changer which, if used, would be a total game finisher.
Hi Folks,
I came across a photo of our president today in one of the Irish newspapers. Michel D (as we call him) was standing in line to withdraw his €20 for a couple of pints!
I doubt there are many countries in the World that the president would feel secure enough to line up just like an ordinary citizen