Chemical engineering work
Hi, my name is Max and I'm reading this forum for a long time. But at last I decided to put some of my old stuff here to show you
. So here is my diploma project for chemical engineering master degree. I modelled it back in 2011 year and now after 2 years of work at chemical engineering company I see a lot of mistakes:
A fluidized bed dryer
air filter
steam heater
Sector feeder (don't know exactly translation)
Screw doser
All apparatus were modelled looking on photos and some info from books. The main PFD drawing were printed on A1 glossy photo paper with 300 DPI.
Click for a full picture:
All this apparatus pictures I needed for a mimic panel app (my friend wrote it special for us) when you click any of them a window appears with an info about an equipment:So that's how I used SketchUp
Sorry for bad english.
Thank you. -
Very nice modeling
John -
Very cool models - was the shading done with SU materials?
Nice, love the render with overlayed with linework...
@andre51 said:
Very cool models - was the shading done with SU materials?
Thank you. Render done in VRay and all images (render, line work) were composed in Photoshop.
@allanx said:
Nice, love the render with overlayed with linework...
Thx, it's my favourite style
@tadema said:
Very nice modeling
Thank you, John.
Draft picture of offsite facilities (nitrogen and air plant, boiler, water treatment and etc.) of petrochemical plant situated in Turkmenistan. Click image to view full size picture.
Small info:
@unknownuser said:
The individual processing units described above are part of the process-unit side of a refinery complex. They are usually considered the most important features, but the functioning of the off-site facilities are often as critical as the process units themselves. Off-sites consist of tankage, flare systems, utilities, and environmental treatment units.
Another great one Max...Love the style
Nice Max, you've even got a gardener watering the lawn! Not often that engineering drawings contain even a little humor.
@allanx said:
Another great one Max...Love the style
Thank you, Allan.
@unearthed said:
Nice Max, you've even got a gardener watering the lawn! Not often that engineering drawings contain even a little humor.
Thx, Nigel. Such small "easter eggs" make drawings look more lively
Very nice!
Anything with pipes and bolted rivets catches my attention. looking great
Superb model, love the style too.
Very nice modeling and redering, Max.
Thank you, guys, for the kind words