Current news on 3d printing
6 ways you can use 3-D printers |
"-Create prototypes quickly and cheaply
-Design advanced technology
-Open a printing store
-Secure a patent
-Make home improvements
-Create custom products"Custom 3d artisan products design one of a kind is where the money is:
An artisan[1] (from French: artisan, Italian: artigiano) or craftsman (craftsperson)[2] is a skilled manual worker who makes items that may be functional or strictly decorative, including furniture, sculpture, clothing, candy, jewelry, household items and tools or even machines such as the handmade devices of a watchmaker. Artisans practice a craft and may through experience and aptitude reach the expressive levels of an artist.Update: The 10x expansion model my not work for you and most business do fail ( 2rd 6 week quarter you my sill be working at home but need a small business licensing to sell to public and also you may have to move.)
The business model of 10x return every 6 weeks is a fast track quarters of returns but some people it my take a life time to be successful, before the at end of 4th quarters selling point occur. Each quarter you need to re-invent yourself to keep the 10x model going. Half of what you make in a quarter is wages and operation expensives. 4x on expansion and 1x savings and if you fails its your time out of your life, and your investment go's for taxes. So don't over spend the flow of money. Remember in the hobbies state first quarter it will be about 18 hr low wages and in the first business cycle quarter is still low wages to 72 hr of work a week. Now at the 3rd quarter you get 50% raises and then hirer some help too. If you go beyond the labor projected time in a quarter is ok, as long as you are in the black ea week and then when 5x profit comes along you now expand 4x. If you don't make a quarter deadline by the wages and operation expensive. you need to stop the business and close shop. If you go beyond the end of 4th quarter, the number of common buyer will go down. Taxes are paid at the selling time. but if you don't sell you will need a partners to buy in to keep expansion going to a artisan Wallmark.
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Things to make with a 3d printer:
3D Printers: 50 Things You Can Make | AskMen
11 Amazing Ways People Are Using 3D Printers For Good, Not Guns
16 Useful Things You Can Make With A 3D Printer - Business Insider
10 Cool Things 3-D Printers Can Do - InformationWeek
For A Few Hundred Bucks, You Can Make Your Own 3-D Printer : All ...How to profit from 3d printing:
20 Amazing Creations You Can Make With 3D Printing | Hongkiat
How to profit from cutting-edge technology | This is Money
How to Make Money with 3D Printing | Guide and Walkthrough by ...
The Profit Potential from 3D Printing is Massive | Money Morning
Investing in 3D Printing | Wealth Daily
Why 3D Printing Is Turning Out to Be Risky | - Using 3D Printing to create small business | 3D Printing ...
News for how to profit from 3d printing | Sigma Labs Inc
3D-printed prosthetics: How a $100 arm is giving hope to Sudan's 50000 war amputees3d printer stories:
TOP 10 3D printing stories of 2013 | Designboo
3D printing Archives | Dezeen
3-D Printing Set to Break out of Niche | ABC News
3D Printers on Display at Charlottesville Library
3D Printing and Legos: Perfect Together
Huge 3D Printer Can Print an Entire Two-Story House
Lithium-Ion Batteries, Straight from a 3-D Printer | Technology Review -
( Highlight title, right click it, click for the search engine and then go to the site)
3D Printers With A Touch Of Hershey's | World News Resource
This Week In 3D Printing: New Ways To Make Babies, Candy, Etc. | (Blog)3d printer prints candy
images for 3d printer print candy | Report images
This New 3D Printer Can Print Out Candy and Cake Toppings | Yahoo
The CandyFab Project: The Revolution will be Caramelized
The ChefJet 3D Printer Prints Dessert, And Yes, It's Really Good
Spinach Dinosaurs To Sugar Diamonds: 3-D Printers Hit The ... - NPR
Eating delicious 3D candy printed by a ChefJet | The Verge
3D print yourself in chocolate and full-color sugar candy with the ...
Hershey's to make 3-D chocolate printer - Jan. 16, 2014 - CNN Money
3D Systems Sweetens Its Offering with New ChefJet 3D Printer Series3D Printer Prints Molds
3D Systems Breaks the Mold: Sugar, Chocolate, Ceramic, and Full ...
Making Chocolate Molds - MakerBot
Ice and chocolate molds with 3D printing - Instructables
Molds for casting soap with 3D printing - Instructables
3D Printing Systems – Chocolate moulds - Artist using 3D Scanning & 3D Printing to mold chocolate ...
3D PRINT CHOCOLATE 3D Printer Blog 21 Pins - Pinterest
20+ items - 3D PRINT CHOCOLATE. All about 3D printing in chocolate.
3D Printing Can Turn You Into a Candy Sculpture | Popular ...
Invention To Mold Chocolate Using 3d Scan and Print Technology ...
3-D printing set to break out of mold | The Japan Times
Ironsmith Uses 3D Printing For Creating Patterns For Mold Making ...
Metal Casting With Your 3D Printer |
Reprap 3D Printer Parts Made With Smooth-castOnyx
| Mold ...
Metal Casting With 3D Printed Molds - Youtube ?
Make Silicone Molds For Your 3D Printed Object - Instructables
Making A 3-D Printed Mold - Instructables
3-D Printers Help Mold Makers Create Prototype Tooling - Plastics News
Comparing Apples And Oranges: Injection Molding Vs 3D Printing ...
3D Printing Solutions For Mold Making And Lost Wax Investment ... -
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3D Printing Daily Update · January 25, 2014 News 8:00am
3D Printing Will Change The Way We Undress | Business Insider
Mit Launches 3D-printed Jewelry Range For Valentine's Day | The Star Online
St. Peter Students Race Into The 3D Printing Age |
Oil And Gas Industry Set To Explore The World Of 3D Printing | Taipei Times
Hendrix Snapshots: 3D Printer And Makerspace | Hendrix College Events And News
Credit Suisse Revises Their 3D Printing Projections |
Indian Student Develops A Toy For Visually Impaired Children Using ... | Daily News & Analysis
Students Inspired By 3D Printing Technology | North Somerset Business Leade |
Endless Possibilities With Just A Click Of The "Print" Button | Union College
Sigma Labs Inc. Part Of Additive Mfg. Project | Aerospace Manufacturing And Design3D Printing Daily Update · January 26, 2014 News 8:00am
Taiwan Seeks Dominance In 3D Printing. Will Its Plan Stand Up? | Forbes
3D Printing Draws Huge Interest at CES, But Will Sales Follow? | Motley Fool
Plastic fantastic: why 3D printing is heading to a home near you | TechRadar UK
Oil industry joins world of 3D printing technology | Peninsula On-line
3D printing also taking the fashion industry by storm | TweakTown
Children's 3D Robot Design Workshop 1/25/14 | KOSA
Citrix NetScaler gains Vblock certification; more news | TechTarget3D Printing Daily Update · January 27, 2014 News 8:00am
3D Printing Is The Last Big Thing: Fichthorn | Bloomberg
3D Printers On Display At Charlottesville Library | The Charlottesville Newsplex
Visit The Lomiko Booth And Learn About 3D Printing At The World ... | Wall Street Journal
3D Printed Soil Developed By Scottish Scientists | Scotland On Sunday
Stratasys Redefines Product Design And Manufacturing With World's ... | Marketwatch
3D Printers Pumping Out Colourful Stuff, Scanners Being All 'Csi' | Gearburn
3D Printing Demonstration Draws A Crowd To Downtown Library | The Daily Progress
Puget Developing 3D Printer Enhancements For Us Consumer Market | Wall Street Journal
Rbcc Develops Innovations In White-hot 3D Bioprinting Sector | Wall Street Journal
Stratasys' New 3D Printer Creates Multicolored Flexible Materials | Engadget
3D Printed Soil Reveals The World Beneath Our Feet | Stv Dundee
The Oil And Gas Industry Embraces 3D Printing |
Healthy Chocolate, Fish Heads And 3D Pizza Printers: What We'll Be ... | Daily Mail
Nextline Manufacturing Brings 3D Printing To Maryland | Sys-con Media (Press Release)
Dell Signs Deal For Polish 3D Printers |
Stratasys Announces Hiroaki Katayama As New President And Ceo ... | Jakarta Post
Two Approaches To Break Through The Dlp Resolution Barrier |
The Undiscussed Trademark Implications Of 3D Printing | World Trademark Review (Subscription) -
@unknownuser said:
solo wrote: I swear I read at least one story a day about 3D printing be it on Wired, Mashable, gizmodo or some other article and they all suggest to me that this is the future.
So, what now?
Sorry for the wait
I waited here because I wanted to give others time to respond to you solo -dukejazz
"How can I make money doing 3D printing?"-solo
Here my 2 cents -dukejazz
Very easly, with some hard work"When should I buy a 3D printer?"-solo
If you wait to make money or save money on things you normally buy, now is the time -dukejazz"Which one do I buy?"-solo
- Turn on the images in your search engine then look up this subject
- | images for 3d printer machines
I really don't want to push just one brand,
The first machine would be a trainer, model T, I would buy something that has inexpensive material -dukejazz
"These are just the easy questions, the big one is
what do I use it for and what material?"-solo
What's good about plastic you can made a mold for poring other martial's into it like candy, plaster, wax, porcillien, casting iron or nickel The heavy pourings is in sand molded made from your 3d printer plastic mold when you have a nickel casting it can be anodizes to any medal coating or sprayed a coating and then art painting marking can be made on them. -dukejazzI would use recyle materials reels or make your own plastic, instead of buying expensive reels. -dukejazz
You may need to make a hobby model plan on how fast you want to make 10x return what you paid in, lets say you used $500 from your savings, in 6 weeks you meet your plain goal, earning of 10 times the money amount with a 100 hr of labor this is $25 hr now $2000 to go for a new small business and $500 return to you saving, now your $2000 invested in a small business venture with a new 3d printer and 6 weeks you made $20,000 dollars and next 6 weeks you made $200,000 by 6 mo your business makes 2 million dollar on the fast track. now you sell business now at 6 mo, 4 million is given to you. -dukejazz
"May my printer be obsolete by a faster cheaper one?"-solo
probilly the day you buy it. just like a car. -dukejazz"I really would like to get involved but do not know how or if it's worth the cost."
- solo » Today, 12:40 pm
first in gets the best gold field, so make some money with your family friends and neiblors
Anyone here got a 3D printer and making money?
d12dozr » Today, 2:43 pm
"I've spent the last 5 years working in 3D printing, so I'll answer these questions as I have time to the best of my knowledge. If anyone else has questions, ask below and I or someone else with knowledge will answer."
d12dozr trend;t=56013 ]
Thanks for the answering on "How can I make money doing 3D printing?" -dukejazz"I'm trending towards candy at this point as I come from a confectionery background and thinking about personalized chocolates and maybe in future if the tech is right to go into hard candy." -by solo at d12dozr site 3D Printing Q&A
I will list some candy site and put them here latter on 3d printing when i find them
-dukejazz ( look below for more at four posts down and I also added 2 line above mark with * were it say's "Which one do I buy?"-solo) -
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3D Printing Daily Update · January 28, 2014 News 8:00 am
Dell Adds Makerbot 3D Printing To Enable End-to-end 3D Digital ... | Marketwatch
Leave 3D Printing Alone | Huffington Post (Blog)
New 3D Printer By Markforged Can Print With Carbon Fiber | Popular Mechanics
3D-printed Shoe Insoles Printer Sols Closes Seed Funding Round ... | Venture Capital Post
Software Will (Help) Make 3D Printing Metals In Space A Reality | Design News
Exhibit Floor Sold Out At 3D Printer World Expo |
3D Printed Tracheas Could Be Coming To Hospitals Soon | Chip Chick
Roswell Police Dept. Scores 3D Printer For Recreating Crime Scenes | Slashgear
Are 3D-printed Homes The Future Of Affordable Housing? |
Nextline Manufacturing Brings 3D Printing To Maryland | Design World Network
Dell: How About A Makerbot 3D Printer With That Pro Pc? | Cnet
A Guide To All The Food That's Fit To 3D Print (So Far) | Businessweek
3D Printed Drones May Drive Futures Wars | The Voice Of Russia
What's Trending: 3D Home Printing; New Approaches To Contract ... | Manufacturing Business Technology3D Printing Daily Update · January 29, 2014 News 8:00 am
World 3D Printing Market | MarketWatch
3D Printed Food: It's What's for Dinner | Mashable
YSU opens 3D printing center | Warren Tribune Chronicle
3D printing human tissue and organs to 'spark ethics debate' |
3D Printing and Technology Fund Launched; First Mutual Fund ... | Broadway World
3D Printers Could be Banned by 2016 for Bioprinting Human Organs | International Business Times UK
Colour 3D printing now available to Photoshop CC customers | CIOL
Researchers to develop 3D printing tools to improve aerospace and ... | Industrial Laser Solutions Magazine
Reaching for the Stars With 3D Printing | Big Data Republic
Indian-American researcher makes 3D-printed loudspeakers | Zee News
3D printing in healthcare transforming lives across the world | Marlin Finance Media Room
Brother coy over 3D printing plans |
GE to 3D print submersible pumps | tce today
Optomec Announces New Project Awards for Metal 3D Printing from ... | Broadway World
BAE Certifies '3D Printed' Part on BAe 146 Jetliner | Aviation International News
Shapify adds a new dimension to selfies with 3D printing | SlashGear
Is 2014 The Year You Buy A 3&D Printer? | Co.Exist
World's first multi-coloured 3D printer developed | Business Standard
World's first multi-coloured 3D printer developed by Stratasys | Economic Times
3D printed food will help push 3D technology to the next level | TweakTown
Would you eat these 3D foods? | -
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3d printing Daily update · January 30, 2014 NEWS 8:00 AM
Stratasys' Objet Eden260V 3D Printer Wins Dental Advisor's Top ... | MarketWatch
3D Printing Part Of 2014 Chevy Malibu Manufacturing Process | Ubergizmo
Is 3D Printing Better For The Environment? | Co.Exist
World's First Full-Color 3D Printer Makes Its Debut, But With An ... | Headlines & Global News
A 3D printer which combine colors with multi-material 3D printing | JEC Composites
Manufacturing Business Technology (blog)
3D printing of human organs developing fast; 3D printing to impact ... | Real Time News, India
Puget Commences Testing of Prototype 3D Printer Units | Wall Street Journal
Brace yourself for custom, 3D-printed casts | Canadian Plastics
MakeVR Makes 3D Design Easy and Collaborative | Popular Mechanics
Organovo Holdings Inc (ONVO) news: Organovo +16% even as ... | Seeking Alpha
Rapid Prototyping System Mixes 3D-Printing And LEGO | PSFK
UTEP to lead research in 3D printing for aerospace | El Paso Inc.
Honda lets you 3D-print a car for fun, and we're waiting for the car ... | TechHive
Students get real with 3D printer | Chino Champion
3D Mouse Steals The Show -- No, Not Mickey | Forbes
ABS Plastic On The Way Out? | ENGINEERING.com3d printing Daily update · January 31, 2014 NEWS 8:00 AM
Zecotek Announces 3D Printing Interface for Commercial Applications | Wall Street Journal
3D printing up close | the Inkwell
3D printer makes your dinner | YoungMoney | USA TODAY
3D Printing On Display at Pacific Design & Manufacturing |
Could 3D printing provide new solutions for disabled people? | BBC News
Bike with 3D-printed parts revealed | SBS
3D Printed Pizza is Almost Here, But How Will it Taste? | The Daily Meal
Printer produces carbon fiber parts five times stronger than ABS | DailyTech
Airwolf 3D Showcases High-Performance 3D Printer at 3D Printer ... | Broadway World
James Clapper indicts journalists, American anthrax, 3D printing ... | RT
Personalizing your Stan Smiths with 3D Printing | Personalize
Puget Begins Testing of High Performance Prototype 3D Printer Units |
This Super Bowl, Players Will Be Wearing 3D Printed Cleats | Smithsonian
Hadorao launches gold iPhone 5S made with 3D printing tech | CIOL
Zecotek Announces 3D Printing Interface for Commercial Applications | PR Newswire
Your Favorite Memes Are Getting Turned Into Toys With A 3D Printer | Business Insider
Honda makes concept car models available for 3D printing | Digital Arts Online
YoungMoney: 3-D printer makes your dinner | USA TODAY
Free curriculum for maker-kids: toy hacking, 3D printing, Arduino ... | Boing Boing
INFOGRAPHIC: Printing the Human Body | Genetic Engineering News
Download and print your very own Honda concept car |
Young people, 3D printing, robotics and digital tech | Industry Today (press release)
Delivering Hero Props That Save the Day with LightWave 3D ... | Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Additive Manufacturing: A Giant Leap for the Aviation Industry? | The Leading Aviation
Growing artificial organs: Medicine's next big thing? | WWSB ABC 7
Airwolf 3D Showcases High-Performance 3D Printer at 3D Printer ... | Business Wire Laser Sintering Moves Into the Bike Market |
Obama Proposes 6 High-Tech Manufacturing Centers This Year | The VAR Guy
Delivering Hero Props That Save the Day with LightWave 3D ... | PR Web
'Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs' Machine Prints Edible Pizza ... | Geeks of Doom -
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3d printing Daily update · February 1, 2014 NEWS 8:00 AM
New 3D printing fund may not print money | CNNMoney
3D printing will ignite major debate on ethics, regulation | Today's Medical Developments
Objet Eden260V 3D Printer Wins Dental Advisor Award | Ten Links
Stratasys' Objet Eden260V 3D Printer Wins Dental Advisor's Top ... | IT Business Net
Why You'll Want A 3D Printer In Your Home | ReadWrite
3D Printer Can Build Affordable House in 24 Hours | Technology Digital
From SolidWorks, First Carbon Fiber 3D printer, the Mark One | Design World Network
New 3D printer can print carbon fiber, fiberglass, nylon | GMA News
3D printer at St. Thomas Aquinas | KenoraOnline
Led by Apoorva Kiran, research team's loudspeaker is first-ever 3D ... | IndUS Business Journal
YSU opens Center for Innovation in Additive Manufacturing | Today's Medical Developments
Making Prototypes with a 3D Printer & LEGO: faBrickation | Technabob (blog)
3D Printed Nylon, Brass, and Steel Press on Nails Perfect for ... | The Mary Sue
A Colour 3D Printer Finally Arrives on the Scene | Gadgets and gizmos
Honda Now Lets You 3D Print Its Concept Car Models | Mashable
Using An App To Create 3D Images | RedOrbit
INFOGRAPHIC: Printing the Human Body | Genetic Engineering News
A new dimension | Fitchburg star
Engineering professors to begin additive mfg. project | Aerospace Manufacturing and Design
Expiry of drug patents provides chance for Chinese pharmas | WantChinaTimes
Kickstarting Danger! Awesome, a hackerspace in Cambridge, Mass | Boing Boing3d printing Daily update · February 2, 2014 NEWS 8:00 AM
Does 3D printing threaten retail's models and intellectual properties | TG Daily
Making 3D printers now child's play | Times of India
Inhabitat's Week in Green: carbon fiber 3D printer, mollusk shell ... | Engadget
Traditional printers can tap growing 3D printing market via strategic ... | Venture Capital Post
Dell to Offer 3D Printers and Scanners | Overclockers Club3d printing Daily update · February 3, 2014 NEWS 8:00 AM
3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping Added to Golden Mousetrap Awards | Design News
3D Printing Is Here, but It Must Be Safe to Stay | Baseline (blog)
Puget Files for Trademarks Related to 3D Printing | Wall Street Journal
Lomiko Takes on Multi-Billion Dollar 3D Printing and Graphene ... | Wall Street Journal
Hottest Links: 3D Printing, Finance MythBusters, And Echos Of 1997 | ValueWalk
3D Printing, Wearables to Transform IT Teams' Role | Computerworld India
Dental Advisor Honors Stratasys' Objet Eden260V 3D Printer |
Stratasys Unveils High-End, Multi-Material 3D Printer | Design News
Computer tech teacher hopes to get 3D printer for middle school | Foster's Daily Democrat
Robots and 3D printers are tireless workers | Helsinki Times
15-year-old boy to build low-cost 3D printer in India | Digit
Hobby Club revolutionizes 3D technologies in New Zealand | Latest News From Punjab
RBCC: 3D Bioprinting Tech Ushers in Future of Medicine | Wall Street Journal -
20 Incredible and Functional Things That Were Made with 3D Printers |
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3d printing Daily update · February 4, 2014 NEWS 8:00 AM
3D Printers Will Not Come to Every Household (Just Yet) | EE Times
3D Printing will ignite major debate on Ethics and Regulation | Techday NZ
San Diego's 3D-printing revolution | San Diego CityBEAT
Jacky's showcases 3D printing for dentistry | Trade Arabia
3D Printing Central to Future Military Strategy |
3D Printing Offers Solution For Joint Replacement |
The first fully 3D printed bike frame | Personalize
3D: printing the future | Personalize
3D Game Changer | The University Times
A new age of Empire | Personalize
3D Systems: Google's Moto Sale Won't Impact Important Partnership ... | Barron's (blog)
Print your own 3D car, says Honda |
Fabulous FaBrickation Options | (blog)3d printing Daily update · February 5, 2014 NEWS 8:03 AM
The 3D Printing Phenomenon | Tapscape
Golden Business Focus: American 3D Printing, Evergreen | Denver Post
Skyforge, a vending machine for your 3D-printed dreams | CNET (blog)
When will 3D Printing Reach a Mass Consumer Audience? |
Could future spaceships be built with artificial 'bone'? | Los Angeles Times
World's first 3D-printed titanium bike is super strong and incredibly light |
Heat-Resistant PLA Could Expand 3D Printing Capabilities |
Israeli-American Company Brings Objects to Life with World's First Color 3D-Printer | Shalom Life
Super Strong, Super Light 3D Printed Structures |
Nanotechnology is getting closer to 3D nanoprinting | Nanowerk
Turn your selfies into 3D figurines | ARNnet
AIO Robotics Takes 3D Manufacturing to a Whole New Level | Tech Cocktail
Insects to be made into '3D food' | -