3D buildings from Google Earth
Hey guys, Im sure this has been discussed before, but I would like to know if its possible to grab all the 3D buildings from Google Earth along with the location image?
Before anyone suggests to look on the 3D warehouse, they are not all there. For example id like to get all the buildings in the CBD of Melbourne and use them in sketchup, but only a select few of the models seem to be in the warehouse. the whole city is in 3D (although not the greatest quality zoomed in) but seems to be unavailable in sketchup.
Does anyone know how to do this or know of any plugins? thanks
I don't know if this link will help, but you may want to check it:
http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/sketchup/iZldGD4FfYEI was thinking maybe GoogleEarth Pro included this ability, but it is not clear.
Currently, they use Lidar to develop low res modeling. Maybe this data can be accessed, but I don't know. -
Thanks for the info..
That bums me out a bit tho.hopefully someone can create a plugin that will be able to get the currently no-accessible models in the near future.
Just out of curiosity, have you looked at Pictometry/Eagle View? This is a tool used by roofing contractors, and others, to measure for estimates. I believe it is subscription. Pricing is not immediately available, so it may be expensive.
How can one create a plugin for something that is not accessible?
The main problem is not how to access the models, why the models are not free give-aways: Google licenses them from different commercial content providers or creates them on their own. If we could take them, it would be (unfortunately) pirating.Interesting is that OSM has some efforts to make geospacial data available under free licenses. This is what we need, and it seems governments/administrations are more likely to release data into the open rather to an open organization than under the control of a proprietary company.