Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I'm not trying to quit... but a local store owner gave me a EGO-C4E and I've been using it for a few days and already I'm down about half on my smoking. It's not bad... using the MB flavored juice which is just standard tobacco flavored. seems like the juice stretches a long way. kinda surprised at the vapor, it actually feels like a cigarette. will see how it goes.
Great work Kris! Many people quit without even realizing it. When/if you get a better vape setup the need to smoke just completely disappears. You are doing it the best way; if you get in the mindset of "quitting" it can make your brain want to do the opposite. Just enjoy your vape and see how it goes.
I still use my Provari when out and about because the MVP is massive, it looks like a detonator or walkie-talkie!
I can't fault the Provari either, I'm clumsy as hell with it but it never fails.Stefan the xtar is well priced and reliable, you can insert the magnet thingys for other batteries too. That's the charger I use for my Provari and it's still working fine.
For DIY mixing you only need PG, VG, nicotine, de-ionised water and flavourings. You can get the water from an automotive shop and it costs pennies, it's the same stuff you use to top-up batteries/coolant etc. It doesn't leave any residue in your device. You will find bigger vapes use more liquid so DIY is a must, unless you can get dirt-cheap premixed which is near impossible here in the UK.
If you need any vape recipes let me know. It's soooo easy after your first go. Very simple to increase and decrease vapour production versus throat hit. I will give you the exact amount you need for a 50/50 PG/VG mix or 60/40 PG/VG, whatever you like.
PG based nicotine is better because you can syringe it up easier. Most flavourings are PG based too because it takes on flavour better.
The de-ionised water is used to thin down the VG because it's very very thick. I make a mixture of 85% VG to 15% water.
So basically...
PG based nicotine (I use NEAT 54 brand, almost tasteless and 54mg nicotine)
De-ionised water
Flavourings (make sure they do not contain diacetyl)
5ml syringes
1ml syringes
50ml or 30ml mixing bottles
You can also get 100ml travel bottles for your VG/water mixture which is referred to as AG (aqueous glycerol) -
Hello everyone, I'm waiting to get my stuff I ordered, some 18650 AW IMR batteries, a decent xtar charger, some plastic boxes for batteries storage (get some Oli), some magnets, a couple of drip tips, a dripping atomizer (Igo-L). I can't find Noalox for threads protection, so I'll need to find something similar. I'm pretty excited, buying a mechanical mod, will open new frontiers for me. I'm about to plunge into mixing my own liquid myself, but the variety of bases and flavours is overwhelming.
Kris, the best thing in your case is that, there is no pressure. It's not only the nicotine, but the variety of flavours you can taste. The best part for me, was the possibility to vape in bed for example, or while I'm around my kid. Good stuff!
Stefan -
Hello vapers!
I'm using this set-up for the last two days, and I'm happy as a clam! Dripping is awesome!
If only was more "portable".
Happy vaping! -
Awesome Stefan, it looks the mutt's nuts! (good lol)
I never got into dripping because I'm always out and about but from what I hear it's a great experience.
Gonna rebuild my Kayfun coil, had this one in over a month which is a record for me. Unfortunately vapour production must be half the normal amount so it's time to get out the wire and wick!
I'm still on the original wire and wick I bought months ago; rebuilding is sooooo much cheaper than buying pre-made coils.
Which wire and wick are you using for that setup mate?
Keep on vaping!
Cheers Oli,
I made my setup exactly like the image attached, but with thicker wicks. 2mm silica wick and 0.2mm kanthal, 5 wraps at 2 wicks. I got a 1.7 ohm coil. There are so many set-ups for dripping to choose from. The most important thing is positioning the air hole, according to the coil. I didn't tried a really low coil yet, or a micro-coil, to see what's the fuzz about this subject.
You really should buy a drip aty, they are sooo cheap because of the simplicity of the construction. I got an I-go L, really cheap, like 10 $ , but there are some better ones out there, like Nimbus, or Trident or I-go W.
The best thing about dripping (besides the perfect flavour) is the fact that you can change really fast the flavour. You put like 10 drops of new flavour, vape for 5 minutes, then put another 10 and you got a new flavour. I had trouble with one particularly, very sweet who didn't go away, but I pushed the fire button until all the juice was gone, basically, I did a dry burn to the coil.
The mechanical mod is heavy, but I love it! It feels manly, raw and in my opinion, beautiful. I might consider purchasing a kick, just to have the option to set my sweet spot, regardless the coil I have. I didn't believed I'll go so far into this vaping experience, but the fact that I had quitted smoking, not spending so much money, feeling so much better, pushes my to want to vape better. I'll still be using the ego kit, but I'll carry the mod with me in the bag.
Like I said, I'll try to make my own juice soon, and I thing it will be easy. I have already mixed base with nicotine available on stores, so I'll just need to experiment with flavours.
I wish you all great vapors, whatever devices are you using! The most important thing is that we have a better life.
Stefan -
This is interesting :
Have a look at Section 4 (Interpretation)
*smoke means smoke, hold, or otherwise have control over, an ignited tobacco product;
tobacco product meansβ
(a) a cigarette; or
(b) a cigar; or
(c) cigarette or pipe tobacco; or
(d) tobacco prepared for chewing or sucking; or
(e) snuff; or
(f) any other product containing tobacco of a kind prescribed by regulation; or
(g) any product that does not contain tobacco but is designed for smoking,
and includes any packet, carton, shipper or other device in which any of the above is
contained;*(g) made me laugh.....I wonder if they include breakfast cereal...??!!
The link doesn't work for me Gareth.
Are you suggesting they are going to try and further regulate E-Cigs in Australia?
Smoke is smoke....vapour is vapour. E-Cigs don't fall into a tobacco definition because they contain nicotine, not tobacco.
They tried suggesting regulation of E-Cigs as a medicine here in the UK, but it fell through and ultimately the vapers have won the first battle! Woooo!
It's all about money anyway, the governments will try their utmost to brand E-Cigs as tobacco products just so they can bring in some more revenue. Quite sad really.
By the way, if you have any difficulty finding good suppliers for Australia, try ordering from Cloud9Vaping as they ship worldwide.
What I find interesting Oli is that they have defined smoke to widely and somewhat ambiguously include vaping without mentioning vaping.
When read in conjunction with the interpretation of tobacco product it could be construed as including vaping.
If I am in a bar or cafe I generally ask if it is ok to use the vape, and, so far, they have all given it the thumbs up.....except that last Sunday we went to a Pub for lunch and we were dining outside. I pulled out the vape after we had eaten and was very politely asked by a Waitress to cease. Perhaps I should have asked first.
I explained that I was vaping, not smoking. Nevertheless, I obliged her request.
This prompted me to have a look at the legislation and I was surprised by the controls contained in the legislation by using the instrument of 'interpretation' they have assigned to 'smoke' and 'tobacco products'. And here is the problem....governments can use whatever wording they like to set out their intentions for interpretation.
Whilst we all agree that smoking and vaping are two entirely different things, the government, by their definitions, seem to have deliberately set out to include vaping, without even mentioning the words 'vape', 'vaping', 'electronic cigarette' etc.
Second hand vape?
@mitcorb said:
Second hand vape?
It's harmless. Rather, there is no evidence to prove it is harmful.
Or are you looking to buy a second-hand vape?
@solo said:
@mitcorb said:
Second hand vape?
Great news! Thanks for that Pete. You can also reduce any possibility of contaminants by using pharmaceutical grade ingredients for DIY e-liquid.
I know it's harmless because I feel 100% better since I started vaping! And I know you guys do too. Not exactly scientific but, hey, that's how I feel.
@olishea said:
I know it's harmless because I feel 100% better since I started vaping!
I have corroborating evidence that proves the flawless logic of your theory, I feel 1000% better with every nose full of cocaine.
You cray Box!
or, Man leans over to woman and whispers, "Can I smell your Pussy?" Woman replies indignantly "No of course you can't. "Oh" says the man, "It must be your feet!"
Scenario :
Lady : "Excuse me sir, I find the smell of apple and cinnamon coming from your vape to be offensive and I'd like you to stop vaping it while I am dining with my friends and family in this Cafe"
Me : "I find the smell of your perfume offensive, how about you go home and take a the way, your feet smell too. And how about that cheese platter those people are eating on the table behind you ?....I overheard you comment that it smelled disgusting. Are you going to complain to them"
......or, an alternative response :
Me : "Certainly lady, I'll cease vaping my apple and cinnamon. Fortunately, I have 8 other flavours to choose from. I have Blueberries and Cream, Caramel Apple, Pineapple and Mango, Honey Fig, Strawberry, Cuppochino, Red Bull, and Banana Pudding. Would you like to choose one for me ?"
@box said:
or, Man leans over to woman and whispers, "Can I smell your Pussy?" Woman replies indignantly "No of course you can't. "Oh" says the man, "It must be your feet!"
Hello, how's vaping, guys?
I think I just have the silliest gig in this thread. Just look at the images.