Some New Line Style Samples
I'm working on a new set of sketchy line styles. Here are some previews.
All styles have 10 lines in each of 7 lengths so there's a wide variety in line styles. -
look great
Thank you sir.
lookin' good my friend. When do you anticipate the roll-out?
Thanks David. I've got a couple more styles I want to try to make. Maybe roll out later this week.
I really like alot of these! - Good work.
Thanks for the examples, Carsten. And Thank you, John.
Here's another one I'm playing with. Is it a usable one?
A quick question Dave, I don't use styles very often, mostly just use the satndard simple green template but I was fiddling about with your pencil earlier to get a feel for it.
To cut an innuendo short, I found most sketchy styles were struggling with moderate curves, by that I mean if the model had quite a few curves it would freeze for long periods and any sort of free orbit was impossible. I'm not referring to just yours.
Does this sound normal, do people normally change to those styles just to export an image, or should I be looking for the problem as I should be able to navigate reasonable geometry happily. -
I haven't seen any substantial slow down when using a sketchy line style but there can be a little. The sketchy lines are sort of like textures in that they are raster images that SketchUp lays over the edges in the model. The more segments you have, the more images your GPU has to draw.
I wouldn't draw a model while using a sketchy line style. Instead I would save the line style for exporting images.
Thanks Dave, that makes a lot of sense.