Viva Revolución
Who would have thunk?, Russell Brand actually has a brain, and a mighty sharp one too.
"drug use, alcoholism, and promiscuity" are not attributes needed. Its not about being free to do what you want, but being free from own wants. Politicians and actors - the same profession. We don't need another bloody revolution, an instant change is impossible. Need to start from our children -they heart and minds..slow evolution. For start, everyone should read about the real democracy from the real free "persons", not actors...
Ivan Ilyin: An Exceptional Twentieth Century Religious Philosopher
Ivan Ilyin (1883-1954), renowned Russian religious and political philosopher _______________________________ The collapse of the Russian Empire in the wake of the February 1917 democratic revolution, the Bolshevik takeover, and the civil war that followed later bitterly split the Russian nation. It forced anti-Bolshevik-minded Russians into self-imposed exile in Central and Western Europe. It was a…
Voices from Russia (
Suggestion, if you can find them in English. These are esencial works by Ivan Ilyin:
About the Essence of Conscience of Law
The Way of Spiritual RevivalSorry about this
In short
"Such a triumph of untruth and domination by an unscrupulous minority is possible only in a situation of controlled and sponsored false-consensus, only in context of colossal intellectual treason. This current betrayal is much worse than the one described by Julien Benda in his well-known essay “The Treason of the Intellectuals” published in 1927. It is not founded on ethnic, racial or class misconceptions or prejudice. It is based on money, the coarse intellectual corruption that does not lend itself to being covered with any form of an ideological fig’s leaf. For the sake of “the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table”, the modern intellectuals are prepared to betray everything – ideas, the past, the present and the future, their fathers and children alike.
Media space is strictly controlled, and praetorian guards are placed at all major gates. Only the chosen ones can penetrate these gates, only those who promote the system, or whose criticism does not threaten any of the system’s dogmas.
Others, who are not able to accept reality as such, cannot pass through the gates and are therefore stuck on the media margins. Their voices can be heard only on the Internet, where they are also subdued by background digital cacophony so that their noise does not threaten the system and cannot force it to change."
by Nebijsa Katic" -
The "revolution" is already in progress.
You looking at it right now. It's called the Internet.