Naming of Nested Components
I am creating components of doors. Before I go too far I need some advice about how to name components within the main component. I was hoping to name each of the nested components 'Closed Door', 'Open Door' 'Door Frame' and '2D Door'. I was hoping to do this for each main component. Will this naming system cause problems further down the line?
I would suggest perhaps a hierarchy such as: noun: adjective1: adjective2, and so on. Noun is door, adjective could be '2d', or 'red' or something like that, or maybe a numerical sequence, which is what the program does with component instances. Just some ideas.
Ahh, well my reply was rather elementary, but you could develop quite an elaborate classification system. Door Leaf(s), Door frame(s) -
Thanks for your help Mitcorb. I will use your methodology.