Setting up SU on mac (education network)
I work in education and we are going to purchase SU for the students. We are mac only here.
I have looked at the setup notes but they all refer to Windows.
Does anyone have any experience/knowledge/notes/links on how to set up su on a mac network?
here is the link to the windows setup
thank you very much
@barkest said:
Does anyone have any experience/knowledge/notes/links on how to set up su on a mac network?
The Mac version of a SUP network license is self aware and doesn't reference to a license file in a shared folder e.g. on a central server location like the Windows network license.
Launching SUP f. OSX automatically looks for other SUP lics. in the network that are using the same license and counts down the number of lics. until the limit is reached.
The way that SUP f. OSX shares a license between computers is that one of the machines will launch a daemon which serves as a broadcasting server for that license. When another copy of SUP is launched it looks for the daemon and failing that will launch a daemon of its own.