Rolleiflex Automat [Model Progression Thread]
I had to rebuild the front face. The chrome trim was the wrong proportion. Not fun.
Started on adjustment knobs. Winder side shown.
Progressive method!
Rough out of adjustment knobs, nameplate and pop-up viewfinder.
Well, there are definitely going to be some tiny compound curves that aren't going to match the photos, but when done, you'll have to look close to find them.
Front lenses assembly. A few more fiddly bits to add (screws, rivets, etc), and then start on detailing.
Getting ahead of myself with textures. Just a preliminary test. Couldn't resist.
Back to monochrome until done with the detailing.
A nice model progression thread
It's starting to get complicated.
Thanks guys. It was posters who did progressive WIP posts that helped me to learn and see what was possible and the steps in order to make it possible.
More fiddly bits and a half dozen more to go.
Side hinge and strap brackets.(not complete) Feet. Lower rivets on face. Tripod mount. (can't see from this angle)
Keep it going all the way to final render.
Do you use pictures or a real one as a reference?
@cotty said:
Do you use pictures or a real one as a reference?
Pictures. I can only wish I had engineering dimensions for this one.
I have the overall dimensions, but none of the details. Oh well.
@solo said:
Keep it going all the way to final render.
Thanks solo. High praise from one of the masters.
I am and will.
I'm worried about some of the details the photo references aren't showing very well.
More fiddly bits added. Details begun. A few more brackets and attachments to go.
Winding handle complete. Do not ask me about the winding handle. (2 hrs)
Finger knob not right sized. Will fix later.
OK. Couldn't let the handle go for the night.
Winder side complete.
Beginning detail of knob controls.
Looking great Bryan
. not sure if you've seen these
@tadema said:
Looking great Bryan
. not sure if you've seen these
TIP: If I want to look at flickr pictures, I usually use for this...
@tadema said:
Looking great Bryan
. not sure if you've seen these
Good find John. That will help a lot. Thanks and thanks.
Focus knob almost complete.
But I have a problem. I need to put numbers on the angled dial face, between the finger grips and the focal length indicator (the 16,8,3.5) but it is conical. (see second picture).
I can't get regular SU letters to conform no matter what I try as the numbers are so big they cross over 3 faces of the cone due the angle required. (see close-ups from John's links)
Any suggestions?