Seems PPB's Forum down ?
@unknownuser said:
Seems PPB's Forum down ?
It's been hacked (again), and having difficulty putting it back...
Below, I'll quote administrator's words from pushpullbar facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/pushpullbar/330726573706).
For those wondering what's happening with pushpullbar, the sad news is that it's been hacked again. The good news is that at least there is backup from the hosting company this time, though I really lack the energy, health, motivation and the know-how to make the forum great again at this stage. It's been 9.5 years and this was all before social media took over and has taken away many of our time and attention to forum websites. Forum softwares really haven't caught up to the game yet and are just as convoluted to use as ever. If I were to do it, I really need the help of someone dedicated enough and have php knowledge and knowing how to properly integrate the forum with Facebook and Twitter as well as a mobile devices.
That's sad....i remember when it got hacked last time.
It's a great forum with some great people and I hope they find the energy to get it going again.
The things that happen when I'm away!
so so sad!!!
and there is one of such people i spoke of ^
@gareth said:
and there is one of such people i spoke of ^
Wow, thanks mate! I loved the PPB as unlike the SCF it was a little more design orientated which for me I saw as a shame that these two great forums weren't more symbiotic! They both have such great strengths and such engaged users.