An open letter by Stephen Fry
When I grow up, I'd like to be as civil and reasonable as mr. Fry.
@unknownuser said:
When I grow up, I'd like to be as civil and reasonable as mr. Fry.
Read it. Quite shocking but well written by Stephen Fry
Mr Fry seems not to know a lot his own Britsh history. For example, he also could have written to the Queen asking her to apologize on behalf of the British people for the Irish Slave trade.
Yes, I know. If one criticizes wrongdoing, one must critize all wrongdoing, each and every instance, one by one. Otherwise one's point is obviously invalid.
Me, I am just happy when someone displays decency, intelligence and civility.
I deflected my comments to Mr. Fry. But since you started this topic, I feel I have to call you on your lack of critical thinking. Critical thinking involves looking at both sides of an argument, before making ones own.
@unknownuser said:
Me, I am just happy when someone displays decency, intelligence and civility.
I too aspire to those same values. Unfortunately I don't see them in Mr Fry or from most if not all people running for public office. All this posturing does nothing more than promote more war and less peace in the world.
Here is a critical though:
Get rid of all this Flag waiving B.S. Its much cheaper to provide this type of entertainment via reality TV. Eliminate the Olympics. The Olympics have become too expensive to maintain. Poor people would be better off, if governments would spent more money on poverty. The 1976 Montreal Olympics were not paid for by taxpayers of Canada till 2006, And since 2006 Quebec's can be proud to owning an Architectural Piece of Shit call the Big OWE, which no longer serves any useful purpose.
Right. If you'll excuse me, I have some ironing to do.
Putin's Russia is effing scary. Not that all is well anywhere else, but there is a particular odor from that autocracy. I would be happy to see more political pressure leaning towards human rights and all, but I'm not sure the gasbaggery of the Olympics is the force to do it.
@tomot said:
The Olympics have become too expensive to maintain.
yeah.. maybe. but those diving platforms were super sweet last year
[haven't read the fry letter yet.. i'll do so in a bit]