CGRecord Crescent House Competition:
@chedda said:
Guys give me some critique don't be shy.
If you want critique, then don't make it so perfect
That said, the exterior in the first image is a little confusing.
A bright white/blue sky; and is it a big, blue cloud? Not sure what I'm looking at basically. -
Ahh, it all makes sense now
Hi Simon! it is looking great, but I agree with Bryan K probably it is too perfect and clean, what about adding some dirt? do you have a link to your entry WIP?
V -
The entries are organized in the CG record facebook page look for my album. Dirt is a new thing for me can it be done globally ? I think not hmmm
@chedda said:
The entries are organized in the CG record facebook page look for my album. Dirt is a new thing for me can it be done globally ? I think not hmmm
For me, it's not about dirt, but something about the light. Maybe the interior shadows should be a little darker?
I used to add an Ambient Occlusion pass when used Vray, I dont know if it is possible to do an AAOO pass with Maxwell...
Using Maxwell, I added some dirt or imperfections with a texture, probably you could add a dirt texture in a layer apart, that way you can control the amount of dirt you want on a material...
globally, an idea is to override materials with a white clay, add a dirt texture to the clay material and render, then add this AAOO pass to your render in PS... -
How, exactly, do you download the model?
The link takes me the competition announcement page, but then another link requires me to go to Facebook and seems to dead end there.
The model link is further down the page on the link i posted.