Mon$anto vs. Mother Earth
Mr Mayor..I read the article you posted @
I made notes as I read it.
How many companies would you say isnt a monopoly..10...20...1000?
I thought monopoly meant a single controling principle.
The article starts out calling Monsanto a monopoly in the title...but then says there are 4 major players.
I would prefer honesty in a commentary, especially if I am reading it to learn or form an opinion on the subject.
So the author goes ghetto and refers to the 4 corporations as a CARTEL implying nefarious, illegal business.
DoJ inviestigates, finds no anti trust violations, closes the investigation after 2 years. The antagonists suggest that the DOJ is some how part of the evil empire.
I think the higher prices of the time frame mentioned isn't due to some phoney monopoly but rather coincides with fuel cost increases... which affects us all....and in costs that have no link to food or Monsanto.
Then the article goes on to blame monsanto for increases in the suicide rate....
I think perhaps the article, and the entire web page, has a little bias...and like greenpeace must illicit a fear response to get donations so they can save the planet from people like me.
So we come to Percy Schmeiser who lost all the cases in court and still claims to have won...which I find weird.
Percy got caught.
Just a couple of points. I tend to find that most situations in life are varying shades of gray and never simply black or white.
As regards a monopoly situation. I would regard any company that is trying to achieve this situation as just as bad as one. I honestly don't feel that taking a patent out on an extension on Nature's seeds is acceptable. I have no problem with companies taking out patents on extensions to human's inventions however. This law should be repealed as its just not right!
I haven't yet investigated the full Monsanto history. When I do so I will then form a more solid personal opinion of the company in my mind. To date from what I read, I am putting them into the dark gray area of business as hypocrisy doesn't cut it for me.
On the other hand if they are to have their patents, so be it. And they can charge what they like for their Roundup resistant sterile seeds. My only requirement would be that they don't contaminate non GM neighbouring crops that are growing as nature intended. I imagine the only way they could do this is to put all their crops under cover while growing! And while they at at it, they should retain the 'super pests' that develop because of these GM crops.
I know this sounds totally ridiculous and impractical but I see no other way to protect neighbouring non GM crops and heritage seeds that I have no doubt will be needed when Big M and Co mutates the hell out of Nature's core seeds and renders them next to useless in the future.
As regards Percy. He didn't win nor did he loose as he was not liable for Big M's legal costs. Again, this was yet another gray area. BTW, the video didn't indicate the court decisions.
So Mike, you are happy with the idea of future fruit, veg and cereals with built in re-seeding obsolescence?
Wow now I trust Monsanto even more! Thanks Solo!
Thanks Pete for doing the footwork for me. As the say, a 'picture is worth a thousand words' and this particular picture shows what I suspected regarding political connections
Mike! More fool you! Are you going to answer my question, 'So Mike, you are happy with the idea of future fruit, veg and cereals with built in re-seeding obsolescence?' I'll understand if you don't want to
@unknownuser said:
Just a couple of points. I tend to find that most situations in life are varying shades of gray and never simply black or white.
I agree and have been trying to convince the anti corporation fan club of this for the entire thread
@unknownuser said:
As regards a monopoly situation. I would regard any company that is trying to achieve this situation as just as bad as one.
Idon't think that's in Monsantos plan
@unknownuser said:
I honestly don't feel that taking a patent out on an extension on Nature's seeds is acceptable. I have no problem with companies taking out patents on extensions to human's inventions however. This law should be repealed as its just not right!
Monsanto's patents are human inventions.
@unknownuser said:
I haven't yet investigated the full Monsanto history. When I do so I will then form a more solid personal opinion of the company in my mind. To date from what I read, I am putting them into the dark gray area of business as hypocrisy doesn't cut it for me.
We have time. I suggest perhaps reading some of the pro GMO information along with the "other stuff"
@unknownuser said:
On the other hand if they are to have their patents, so be it. And they can charge what they like for their Roundup resistant sterile seeds. My only requirement would be that they don't contaminate non GM neighboring crops that are growing as nature intended. I imagine the only way they could do this is to put all their crops under cover while growing! And while they at it, they should retain the 'super pests' that develop because of these GM crops.
Most of this sounds like conjecture and rhetorical So I don't see a need to rebut. I've not seen any verified conclusive study reports beyond those admitting a bias and lacking proof. To a hammer everything looks like a nail.
@unknownuser said:
I know this sounds totally ridiculous and impractical but I see no other way to protect neighboring non GM crops and heritage seeds that I have no doubt will be needed when Big M and Co mutates the hell out of Nature's core seeds and renders them next to useless in the future.
Is this another one of your grey areas? It sounds more black and white by your description...almost as thought you've already made up your mind even though it sounds ridiculous and impractical
@unknownuser said:
As regards Percy. He didn't win nor did he loose as he was not liable for Big M's legal costs. Again, this was yet another gray area. BTW, the video didn't indicate the court decisions.
I think the link I gave you indicated he lost 3 court cases and the SC case and had to pay Monsanto his profit earned by the stolen tech. He also had to pay his own legal bills totaling, by his estimate to be C$400,000.00
@unknownuser said:
So Mike, you are happy with the idea of future fruit, veg and cereals with built in re-seeding obsolescence?
I'm not sure what the term means so you might point me to an explanation of the phrase for clarity. Does re-seeding obsolescence mean there is no need to ever re-seed? What ever it means I would say it depends on THE BOTTOM LINE as in any cost benefit analysis
Now you're getting impatient for my answers? Would you rather I just post pasted images from code pink blogs like some lazy troll?
@mics_54 said:
Now you're getting impatient for my answers? Would you rather I just post pasted images from code pink blogs like some lazy troll?
Feel free to find images that support your view, I'm guessing the internet is very thin on those.
I think I can find just about anything I want... like you do.
You probably will not but I do urge you to watch this.
If that was intended for me I've already seen it.
WASHINGTON โ The Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday that farmers could not use Monsantoโs patented genetically altered soybeans to create new seeds without paying the company a fee.
Well if you buy GM seeds and then try and sell your own seeds parented by GM crops then I can understand that. However nothing to stop you using the new seeds yourself. Monsanto will just start producing plants that do not produce seed, it's the only solution to keep lining their pockets. I guess that's what Mike was aiming at with "re-seeding obsolescence".
well you gotta strike a balance between profit and future detriment of the planet's ecology.
I have nothing against anyone making vast sums of money, good on them, but when we don't understand the knock-on effects of such "advancements" the profits mean nothing.
They say "We add a protein into the DNA," etc....but there is no long term research into the effect on the human body or indeed the environment. I don't see how difficult this is to understand. Years ago they used to say smoking was good for you, for example. This situation is not too dissimilar.
I find your position sensible.
I think if you've been following the thread that it is obvious that my objection is now and will remain to be against conclusions drawn based on certain criteria.
I think we all know what they are. -
Watched the video Pete posted. Some food for thought .... pun intended!
I just hope that whatever Big M does can be reversed but have grave doubts about this when reading they regard transgenic contamination as 'Adventitious Presence is Part of the Natural Order'!
I had to laugh when I saw that G Bush Snr was involved in the early days stating, 'Call me, we are in the dereg business ..... haha'. Yeah, he and his ilk made a great job of deregulation in the finance sector, we are currently paying the high price for his 'dereging'
In the video, I don't know why the French guys are worried about spraying the snails! Then again, maybe French snails have more sense than to eat Roundup sprayed greens!
Boy! that John Hoffman, Vice President of the American Soybean Association, has a fantastic built in (mouth) moisture detector! He can get accuracy down to .5% with his mouth! If he could bottle that skill and sell it, he could pack up bean growing!
I should have guessed an Irish name would 'crop up' somewhere. I'd suggest not hiring Mary Murphy for PR
'Dirty Tricks' ...... Stupid Tricks, yes!Two phrases that caught my attention! 'The Green Desert' and 'Food Sovereignty'. The first looks to be the way we are heading and the second is what we are loosing!
I'm now wondering should the UN have ultimate global control over GMO direction / policy as its becoming a huge issue.
When one really thinks hard about it! What's wrong with weeds? They are natural and have their uses!
Your Weedy Lawn Is A Good Thing Weeds Bad to the Bone? the weeds that Monsanto can't beat bottom line in this last article is,
'In lieu of crop rotation and biodiversity (the non-toxic way to control weeds), the MSU extension service promotes what the article calls a "diversified herbicide program". And thus we get a clear look at why, since the introduction of Roundup Ready seeds in the 1990s, herbicide use has spiked.'
Farmers have discovered many centuries ago, the best, safest and sustainable ways to work with Mother Nature! I hope to see these 'best practices' possibly streamlined if need be and brought to higher levels of efficiency BUT not leveraged beyond what nature is able to tolerate or willing to give as she will strike back hard if abused and she appears to be doing so in the herbicide race! But as long as Big M is making a buck, that is all that matters for many in high places!
Remember what happened with the 'Arms Race'! Sense prevailed in the end but we still live with its dangerous legacy!
Well at least you still have plenty of fertilizer.
@mics_54 said:
The doctor presenting this science isn't 11 and the reading may be too long and boring but if you DO entertain educated opinions you might find it interesting.
that's not science per se.. it's a blogger that spends the first part of the post making fun of other bloggers.. the next part is him pointing out errors in other scientists methods (with some good points.. but if this were science worth arguing over, i'd more expect for him to give us the results using his proposed methods of testing- which, i assume, hasn't happened)
then he closes with@unknownuser said:
There might be valid reasons to be wary of the proliferation of GMO-based foods, such as concern over the control that large multinational corporations like Monsanto might exercise over the food supply
does the thread get any better after page 1 or is it just more of this crap? not sure if i care to read the rest
Well hell if Jeff doesn't like the thread...I QUIT!
(not really)