Kerkythea animation please help
Hello all!
So this is my second post and I know it should be in the Kerkythea forum but for some reason it is not working and I need help urgently.
I am trying to render my animation in kerkythea. I have done one before with no problems. I have tried this current one about 5 times now. I do fine until I run the script. For some reason (which i have only just realised) it just repeats the same image instead of going through the animation sequence. Has anybody any ideas? This is a presentation for work and it is starting to drive me mad!Thanks in advance.
Did you remember to use ##current view## camera? A quick tutorial (note also uses advanced settings for unbiased render, but you can use your own settings).
Notareal - Thanks for the 'current view' tip I will give it a try. I think I always set it back to scene 1 instead. Have you got any other tips for rendering animations that may help me as this is only my second one?