Container Exhibition Space
I love the idea!
I like the concept & image Richard it has your clean signature. A container like this would also be good for a farmers market. I have seen other container concepts which open out to create larger spaces. Something telescopic, or 'accordion style' with awnings. The classic extending vw camper roof springs to mind.
Why not cuboïd stools ?
Nice concept Richard, but I agree with Pilou for the stools.
Nice clean work, as always.
Hey thanks all for tuning in with comments.
@chedda said:
I like the concept & image Richard it has your clean signature. A container like this would also be good for a farmers market. I have seen other container concepts which open out to create larger spaces. Something telescopic, or 'accordion style' with awnings. The classic extending vw camper roof springs to mind.
Thanks mate, yeah for me the whole container movement is exciting. Admittedly though this emerging system uses disused containers, I think there may be scope for a similar but more light weight system that is more apt for architectural purpose yet based upon the same rigid conformity.
The steel that containers are formed from is itself reusable and is our use of it for living or other the BEST reuse?
@box said:
@unknownuser said:
Why not cuboïd stools ?
No no, they makes your eyes water!!
OH mate that is freakin FUNNY!!!!!
Reminds you why stools are tapered at the end - so it doesn't slam shut!
I knew if anyone would get it you would.
I chuckle like a little kid every time I use Make Taper. -
@richard said:
Thanks mate, yeah for me the whole container movement is exciting. Admittedly though this emerging system uses disused containers, I think there may be scope for a similar but more light weight system that is more apt for architectural purpose yet based upon the same rigid conformity.
Something like this planned for New York by nArchitects: