Seeking some CAD-to-mesh help
Anyone here able to help an old fart with a terrain?
I have a dwg file with all the terrain details but I need to just extract the terrain, the new berms and the road info and turn it into either contours on the right elevation or a smooth mesh, if you cannot get a smooth mesh no problem as Fredo has a zinger of a script in progress that will do it chop-chop.
I am unable as I do no longer have any Cad programs on my rig as the rig I was using died and I'm on a different rig while I await a new one hopefully not to long in the near future.
Let me know if you have the time and are willing and I'll send you the files and info.
Thanks guys.
Hi Solo, hi folks.
If you need a CAD software that is free, try Draftsight:
There are 32 bits and 64 bits versions for Windows as well as Mac and Linux, etc.
Just ideas.
Hey Jean,
I have autocad but on this machine I'm using I have a very small SSD drive as this is one of my render only rigs with nothing but SU, Thea, Vue and 3ds Max loaded, I did not want to remove anything or load anything new here as I would need to re register software and I was hoping to do all installs on my new rig when it arrives.
But thanks anyway that does looks like a great alternative to bloated Autocad.
Never mind, I installed a second HD and installing Autocad.
Send it over if you still want to.Peter
yeah you could send it to me... I owe you one.
Thanks guys, I got it done, may have been a good thing as I found a couple of issues that I fixed in CAD before creating the mesh.