How to Change Feet to Millimeter?
Hi all I was wondering if there is a way to change the scale of measurement from Feet to mm.
I have a skp.template that I have downloaded and it is set to feet and inches, yet the plans I want to import and and the scale I want to work in will be Millimeters!
When I draw a line the length show is as the template setting of ( ' & ") But I need to change that to mm.
Is there away of changing the template measurement? I have changed the "Preferences" to mm but when drawing a line it is still displayed as ' & ".all help appreciated
Do you have a "Untitled" model saved that SU opens to? For example, I don't see the point of Bryce appearing every time SU starts, so I deleted Bryce, then saved the model "Untitled" with nothing in it. Now when Sketchup starts, Bryce doesn't appear.
If you don't have an Untitled model saved, then SU will probably start with all the default settings - incl feet and inches.
If you do have an Untitled model, change the settings to mm, then save that empty model. Then when SU opens it should automatcially be with mm settings.
Hope that helps.
To try and explain a bit more, I'm not brilliant at explaining...
I have no problem with my default template ( untitled ), that opens with mm all good and well.
But when I open a specific template setup ( the one supplied by Krisidious for his tutorial How a Pro Builds a House in Sketchup Part 1, all measurements change back to feet/inches as that is what his template is created and saved as such. In would like to force his template into mm. So I open his template(' & "), import my floor plan as an image (mm) and try to measure up my diagram it then shows lengths as ' &" .!! grrrrrcheers again
I'd say you should open his model, change the measurements to mm, save the model. Close Sketchup. Then open up Sketchup again. Open the saved model, then that should be in mm and fine for you to import your image into.
Thanks John
But no! I have just retried this again . Open his .skp file - change preferences to mm - save as ### - open new file ### - check preferences( yep they are in mm)- use tape measure tool. Still displays distance in feet and inches!
At a loss and don't want to revert to working in Imperial. There surely must be a way around this. There must.
cheers again
Found it!!
Change it in Window >Model Info> Unitswhoo hoo
thanks all
EDIT: I missed some of his post I guess. This post is not quite on topic I suppose....
There is also a default template already made that you can choose to use that will always be in mm. on a PC, go to Window>Preferences>Template and choose the mm one. Then next time you start SU it will start in mm.
How can a mm template be created on a Mac?
Hi Paul, hi folks.
On a Mac, you do exactly like on a PC.
Use Window menu --> Model info --> Units.
Choose the type of unit in the rightmost pull down list (inches, feet, millimeters, centimeters, meters) and then the format in the pulldown list to the left of the other one. Notice that the available formats are dependent on the type of unit. Fractional do not applies to mm, cm and m.
Then you can choose the precision that will be shown from 0 to 6 decimals.
While at it, I suggest to uncheck the box labeled Enable length snapping. I use that very rarely since SKetchUp allows very precise positioning of objects.
By the way, all this is in the help that you can each using the Help Menu --> Help Center.
Just ideas.
Hi Johnny,
Thanks. There's such a huge volume of new things to learn. Your help is greatly appreciated!
i have a problem
when i write this code:Create the WebDialog and set its HTML file
face_dialog =
path = Sketchup.find_support_file "Ch13/create_face.html", "Plugins"
face_dialog.set_file pathSet the WebDialog's callback
face_dialog.add_action_callback("create_face") {|d, arg|
if arg.to_s.length == 0
puts "Invalid input. Coordinates must be valid numbers."
v = arg.to_s.split(",")
pt1 =[0].strip), Float(v[1].strip),
pt2 =[3].strip), Float(v[4].strip),
pt3 =[6].strip), Float(v[7].strip),
pt4 =[9].strip), Float(v[10].strip),
vec1 = pt2 - pt1
vec2 = pt2 - pt3
plane = [pt1, vec1 * vec2]
if pt4.on_plane? plane
Sketchup.active_model.entities.add_face pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4
puts "Invalid input. Points must lie on the same plane."
}Display the dialog box
if RUBY_PLATFORM.index "darwin"
endthe unit appare in inches but mi template in setting in mm.How i can have it in mm?
thanks and sorry for my english