The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
@ken28875 said:
Hello everyone,
I went to my archived files and I digged out one of my first tasks working on the MMO Rift. It was back in early 2006, almost 7 years ago.
The first image is the conceptual model that was approved by the Art Director, although I kind of like the second one which is a little bit more fantasy.
Have a great day!
The approved conceptual model from 2006 was later re-used and redesigned into a different fortress about two years later. I did post some images earlier in this thread. But this is the one I was referring to in case you have not seen it.
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art:
Interview with
Interview on Nomer's blogspot. remember this...awesome!
@unknownuser said:
I hope I will be able to post some of my building concepts I did for Simcity 5 soon.
This one ?
I suspect my rate of work will drop off significantly when this game comes out...looks great
impressive, inspiring work, Ken.
Dang! I WANT that game!
And yes, impressive work Ken.
@ Pilou, James, Daniel and Bryan K:
Thanks for your kind comments and interest in the game Simcity 5.It is coming out on March 5th.
Check out the website: worked on all kind of buildings : commercial (hotels, boutiques, supermarkets, etc.), residential (apartments, houses, trailers, etc.), industrial (Warehouses, Coalbreakers, etc.).
Hopefully, when the game is out and I get permission from PR, I will post lots of higher res architectural concepts I did.
Since I am still under NDA, I cannot post high resolution images to show you what I did work on. But here are some screenshots from the games (you can find the videos on youtube) as well as corresponding concept art.
We had 3 in-house concept artists in charge of doing some buildings for Paris, London and Berlin. I got the task of designing the British apartments. But at the end, I was assigned to do all of the 3 cities.
So here are the London ones for our English friends. I know we have lots of them in the Sketchucation forum.
Have a wonderful week!
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art:
Interview with
Interview on Nomer's blogspot. -
Hi everyone,
I will post some more concepts for Simcity 5 later.
Back with conceptual models for the online game Rift:
Have a great weekend!
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art:
Interview with
Interview on Nomer's blogspot. -
Modern and fantasy style!
Ken,you live my dream life, what I'd give for this gig.
Awesome work as always. My kids are so excited about the new Sim City, release date in May right?
@unknownuser said:
release date in May right?
Seems from Ken
@unknownuser said:
It is coming out on March 5th.
@unknownuser said:
Modern and fantasy style!
LOL....yeah well, it's either in the Fantasy thread or my other Sci-Fi thread.
@solo said:
Ken,you live my dream life, what I'd give for this gig.
Awesome work as always. My kids are so excited about the new Sim City, release date in May right?Thanks, Pete. I really appreciate your kind words. It is quite a compliment coming from a talented artist like you.
Simcity 5 is coming March 5!
Here are a few more screenshots from the game and some corresponding concepts.
Good day to you all!_KN
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art:
My interview with -
I see Simcity 5 finally released, what a disaster (not your graphics) the always online issue and the sucky servers.
EA games are shooting themselves in the foot, claiming that online play prevents piracy is just stupid as it restricts game play experience for those that buy legitimately.
What i do not get is why not just rent the damn thing then, why spend $60 for something you do not really own as 4-5 years time when the servers slow down they just axe the game to use the servers for a new title meaning your purchase is now invalid and you can no longer play the game.I still play games like C&C generals (10 years old) when I'm in the mood, heck I even play Simcity 4 (10 years old) but this will not be possible with Simcity 5.
Simcity has always been a single-player game, why change this?
I see Amazon suspended sales this weekend due to bad reviews and server issues on EA's end.
Another thing, why such small cities? 5 miles is the biggest size 1/10th the size of previous versions, this should be called Simtown.
Hi Pete,
I apologize for the late reply. I am always busy like crazy and somehow can't find time to catch up with all my emails and replying to everyone. Although I do read people's posts regularly, it might take days for me to be able to reply.
I am sorry to hear about your bad experience with Simcity.
Some of your questions are mostly about the design, and being in the art team, I don't know much about why it is now a multi-player game instead of single-player game, or why the biggest size is 5 miles.
Actually, the past few years have seen the boom of online games (MMO) as well as Facebook games. Maybe that's why Simcity follows the trend.
As for as the server problem, one of my friends from EA/Maxis wrote to me:
*We knew server stability would be extremely important since playing the game requires you to be online, but the exact opposite happened… First there was an issue with Origin and people not being able to download the game, then the server load issues hit and lots of people couldn’t play the game for several days. The online and server teams worked feverishly last week to try to solve the problems. They added more servers towards the end of the week to handle the traffic, but by then, the internet was totally fired up about our botched launch. Amazon stopped selling our game for a time because there were so many irate people who’d bought the game and couldn’t play and wanted refunds. Words I’ve heard from gamer friends and reviewers alike characterize our launch as the “Worst Launch Ever.”Anyway, server situation aside ( I believe it’s better now) most reviewers are really liking the game (once they can play). Hopefully this will blow over and people will see the game for what it is, rather than what the launch has been. On the bright side, I haven’t read a review yet that has mentioned anything negative about the art- all seem to praise it.*
For more information, you can read the article in Gamasutra (that's where I get all the industry news):
Opinion: SimCity launch debacle comes down to mismanaged expectations news:
‘SimCity’: Big sales numbers despite online backlash Complete Guide To The SimCity Disaster attempts to explain why SimCity is always-online as players discover code for 20-min offline force-shutdown timer be patient and try the game again and I am sure you will enjoy.
By the way, I just received my free copy from Maxis a few days ago. But I don't think I will have time to play.
Have a great week!
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art:
My interview with
My interview with Nomer: -
Hi there,
I have been busy again working on a new game. I got this contract job last month.
I am working for Activision/Toys for Bob. For those of you who have kids or you play the game yourself, you probably heard about this big hit video called Skylanders. The company I am doing concepts for created Skylanders ( I am now working on an unannounced game.
I got an email from the Art Driector telling me he was looking for an environment concept artist. After the first phone call interview, he told me he would get back to me as he was also talking to other candidates. Each night for almost a week after we talked, I worked on some personal concepts to show him what I can do. Knowing they created Skylanders, I did some concepts in the same style. The Art Director got back to me and asked me to come to the office. I thought it was for a second interview. But actually when I came to see him, he wanted me to work right away.
Here are the samples of concepts I sent him to convince him to hire me.
All of these are Sketchup + Vray + Photoshop.
Take care,
My interview with
Sketchup for Sci-Fi Art:
My interview with Nomer: -
He would have been a fool not to hire you.
Someday they're gonna have to do a study of your brain to see where all these amazing ideas come from. And then hopefully clone that portion and have it implanted in my poor little excuse for a brain.
Congratulations! I would hire you too if I were a company.
You are a true artist, I love your imagination ! Keep it up !
@hellnbak said:
He would have been a fool not to hire you.
Someday they're gonna have to do a study of your brain to see where all these amazing ideas come from. And then hopefully clone that portion and have it implanted in my poor little excuse for a brain.
Hi Mr. M. LOL, thanks for your comment. Yes, please do study my brain. I would also love to find out what's in there. I keep hearing voices in my head telling me to build crazy Sketchup models. The more fantastic, the better.
@cotty said:
Congratulations! I would hire you too if I were a company.
Thanks for your kind comment, Carsten.
@ely862me said:
You are a true artist, I love your imagination ! Keep it up !
Thank you, Elisei. Much appreciated.
Good day/evening/or night to you!
I suppose some are yours ?
[quote="Pilou"]I suppose some are yours ?
Oui, oui. Some of them are mine.
Do you play the game, Pilou?
@ Pete (Solo): in case you read this post, were you finally able to play and enjoy Simcity?
Good day to you.