How to Push/Pull an angled shape?
How does one Push/Pull an angled shape?
Push/Pull goes straight and leaves a wedge which if you delete you end up with a hole:
Possible I could remove the end pieces and Push from the Left or Right??
I have hacked it up enough so that I have something that at least looks like what I want but it is full of holes.
Thanks for the help,
Push pull doesn't work that way, as you see. Yes you could use push pull from the end. After you've drawn the top dividing line, remove the corner. Then you can draw two edges at one end to make an end face. Push pull that, with option key down. Then erase the corner edged again. Reverse the faces.
It seems you could be making extra steps because there are so edges to erase-- like the bottom of the channel is just one face in the end right? The push pull adds extra edges. Also you could just model one half of the shape and mirror it. What if you modelled it all with rectangles, push pulling the shapes, then made the angles in the end by moving their top edges.
I will post this, in case there is anything to glean, even though the very able mr. bacot has provided good info.
I see there a wedge shaped void in an otherwise closed object. You want to close the void, I presume. The most direct way is to draw a vertical line from the lower back corner to the upper back corner at either the left or the right end of the void. That should cause a triangular face to be formed. If it does not, then the face that would be formed is sub-milimeter in at least one dimension. That means you need to scale the whole shebang up 10 or 100 times.
There is also the possibility that one or the other of the "potential" faces is not planar, meaning you have yanked some vertex somewhere and skewed the face.Anyway, once you can form the triangular face you should be able to pushpull left to right or right to left.
By the way, assuming you get one end face by drawing that line, you could do the same at the other end, and I suspect that the entire figure will then be closed.
Did I miss something?
If so, then post the model and/ or some more views. -
Tim brings up some points that may apply to this model.
I actually was going to post steps (basically build up a square model that has everything except the end pieces stand up square--then make them angled), but trying to work with your basic shape, I could not get some faces to form. Though you could complete the model as noted above, it seems you have the classic case where SU tells you the shape is square but lines are minutely out off axis. You might want to redraw it.
As file is V8 I can't see it for test..
[url]SmartPushPull[/url] ?
Or Push Pull along a vector ?
Projection By Didier or Joint PusPull By Fredo6 -
Hi Ralph, hi folks.
Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.
Thanks everybody, this is so cool.
I was afraid that was a dumb question but there sure were some intelligent answers.
Hey Johnny (Jean Lemire), I hope you do not mind if I hack (reuse) your skp tutorial layout.
I see using it for my personal reference library, but also I could use it here in this thread to explain how I ended up doing this particular step.
It is so easy to follow your layout. Of course I'll need to learn how to add and remove tabs but that will come with usage.
Thanks again everyone.
Hi Ralph, hi folks.
@ralphxyz said:
Hey Johnny (Jean Lemire), I hope you do not mind if I hack (reuse) your skp tutorial layout.
Of course, hack it to your heart content. You will probably find that its is very easy to create your own multi scenes tutorials from scratch. Read below.
@ralphxyz said:
Of course I'll need to learn how to add and remove tabs but that will come with usage.
Read the help about Scenes.
You can create scenes with View Menu --> Animation --> Add Scene. This will create Scene 1 with its tabon top of the model window.
Then, with a right click on this tab, you obtain a context menu allowing adding scenes, deleting the current scene, updating it, etc.
You also get an access to the Scene Manager which allows you a lot of control about many parameters.
Just ideas.