Is this guy serious?!
In UK, anti-social behaviour has been reported to have decreased recently. It has been put down to youngsters playing video games instead of causing trouble.
One minute video games turn you into a murderous villain. Next minute they reduce crime!!
I've been playing a lot of tomb raider lately, I've developed a tendency to look for things in the strangest places and my man boobs are enormous.
Obama inauguration majorette shot dead:I've lost the light of my life, says father
What more can be said!
Think I would move to a city or state where more decent people reside. Chicago is a dangerous place.
@mics_54 said:
Think I would move to a city or state where more decent people reside. Chicago is a dangerous place.
@mics_54 said:
Think I would move to a city or state where more decent people reside. Chicago is a dangerous place.
Dont say that I might be moving there!
Any city with that many people is going to have trouble in some places.
@liam887 said:
@mics_54 said:
Think I would move to a city or state where more decent people reside. Chicago is a dangerous place.
Dont say that I might be moving there!
There is nothing wrong with Chicago Liam, it just get a bad rap because fundie neocons (teabaggers) know Obama is from there, so the rhetoric goes that anything related to Obama is bad. Sure there are bad areas in every city, in Chicago the Southside is dodgy, here in Dallas Oakcliff is dodgy, New York has some dodgy areas also even though it has one of the lowest crime rates in the country (believe it or not but New York's crime rate is less than half of Dallas's with twice the population).
Haters will hate.
oh we find out its just global warming causing the shootings.
Wow Chicago is safe because NYC has a low crime rate...who can argue with that!
Some one please tell Jesse Jackson that Chicago is safe now! The teabaggers are gone!
@unknownuser said:
There is nothing wrong with Chicago Liam, it just get a bad rap because fundie neocons (teabaggers) know Obama is from there, so the rhetoric goes that anything related to Obama is bad.
Who's hatin' whom? 500 gang shootings and you accuse me of saying Chicago is dangerous just because Obama used to live there? WTF?
Not even on the top 25 dangerous cities in America:
Does that mean the Rev JJ canceled his call to the president and the marchers in Chicago went home?
Michael what in gods name are you on about?
Pray tell, what city are you in?
Oh I'm just a "Obama hatin' teabagger" tired of the baloney.
Chicago has a much larger problem with illicit guns even though the gun laws are some of the most stringent short of a complete ban. (recently loosened in some areas)
It's irrelevant to the issue where I live but I live in Alaska but raised in (East) Houston where I was robbed at gun point in school for 35 cents.
@unknownuser said:
Gang violence blamed for Chicago murder spike
Yup what can I say, gang violence!, guns don't kill people, gangs kill people I'm guessing is the new mantra.
So now you are linking gangs with mass shooters, even though mass shooters are lone wolves that have no gang affiliations.
but you said it was just hating Obama
so let me correct myself...its only dangerous in Chicago if you are black.
33% of the population....80% of the murder victims
The author refers to the guns used as "illicit" ...would that be registered weapons?
Oh yes and I stand behind my statement, now suddenly you are concerned about gang violence in Chicago, I mean think about it, gang members killing other gang members is more devastating than psychopaths with assault weapons killing innocent children, because it's Chicago. Strangely familiar talking points to Hannity, Rush and Beck of two weeks ago.
@unknownuser said:
So now you are linking gangs with mass shooters, even though mass shooters are lone wolves that have no gang affiliations.
Where did I do that? All I said was Chicago is dangerous as evidenced by a dead child with a grieving father.
@unknownuser said:
Oh I'm just a "Obama hatin' teabagger" tired of the baloney.
I saw this on FB today and thought of you.
Facetiousness is lost on you isn't it?
Good job defending your position.
I guess you aren't going to answer the question. So I guess you win. - topic:timeago-later,2 months
Michael, your opinions in the Monsanto thread defined you a troll.
Here is a great advert that should piss you off, and I post it for my pleasure.