Great Carpet Resource
Thank you very much
[Edited] It wont accept my registration.
Thank you jbaflyer.
It's a great resource for me.
Great find! Thanks for sharing.
If you are a designer, it is. They are the two largest carpet providers in the US. Essentially, you are advertising for them for free in their models!
Thank you.
I haven't succeed to save the image and make a texture from it.
I've tried right clicking. But it still wont work.
May I know how to do that exactly? -
Save it as a jpg if it is not in jpg format. I use Photoshop to save it to a .jpg after I capture the image. Then import it as a texture to any surface within Sketchup File/Imort image and make sure you select texture (check the small box to the right). Then you can eydrop it in Sketchup to transfer it to any surface.
I see. I used a screen capture application too last night to try it.
Save it as png. Haven't try to use it in a model though.
I thought you could use any of those webpage's buttons. Thank you.