Problems importing 3ds files from max to sketchup
I have that problem a lot as well, but have yet to find a solution. OBJ. and 3DS. files tend to become offset and out of place when imported (sometimes textures also disappear).
you let me know if and when you got a solution,
i think its something with max exporting settings .cheers
I don't know.........When I export from NIF Skope is does the same thing (.OBJ) so either a bunch of programs and exporters all have the same problem or something within the Sketchup importer is messed up. I'll let you know....
Cheers, (my trademark, BTW)
It's not SketchUp. You can get the same thing happening when you view certain files (the vast minority) in something like Deep Exploration. I assume it's the way that certain modellers assemble their work; as it appears to be some kind of mismatch between the internal axes of individual groups and components and the world axes/origin. For instance, certain vehicles import into other applications with all 4 wheels superimposed upon each other. I'm not sure what the solution would be other than maybe somehow resetting all the axes in Max before export.
Ahhh......Good call Alan, I hadn't thought of that. So basically the importer bases the location of the individual groups/objects on where the axis say the mesh was originally created?
Yes, it's got to be something like that. Of course the easy way to solve the problem would be to reduce everything to raw geometry, before export...which would kind of level the playing field. OK, so you'd need to regroup everything once in SU; but TBH you ought to do that anyway if you're a SU modeller worthy of the name.
For instance, in the original lamp that is posted, two out of the three support arms ought to be deleted anyway and the remaining one made into a component, ready to be duplicated around the reflector. That's the way you'd do it if you were building it from scratch. -
Good point again, Alan.
Try dragging a selection block around model and exporting selected from Max, it seems to help.
Hi everyone,
I am running into the same problem with some furniture models from the web.
In Max it is obvious that the groups all have different position of axis.
Could someone point me to the right direction what exactly to do in Max to fix all axis at once?
Pete, what did you mean by "dragging a selection block"?
After searching the web quite a bit and messing with pivots I'm still clueless.
I used only SketchUp in the recent years, my little Max knowledge seems to have disappeared completely, please help me out...thanks
...did a lot of testing, but no solution so far.
'exporting selected' does not help either.
'aligning pivots to world' makes it even worse.
I really need some help cause it's an important project, is someone here who knows how to fix this in Max?
domo arigato
A. -
I realize this is an old post but I figured out a work around to this issue and wanted to share if people are still encountering this problem.
In Max select all the objects you want to export, go to Utilities > Reset Xform > Reset Transform > Reset Selected
Then Export Selected and when you import your .3ds file into SketchUp everything should now be in the right place.
I hope this helps! Cheers!
@mvollrath said:
I realize this is an old post but I figured out a work around to this issue and wanted to share if people are still encountering this problem.
In Max select all the objects you want to export, go to Utilities > Reset Xform > Reset Transform > Reset Selected
Then Export Selected and when you import your .3ds file into SketchUp everything should now be in the right place.
I hope this helps! Cheers!
Thank you very much mvollrath, it is solve my Problem. Usually i use Hierarchy and reset pivot, but no effect. Thank you.
This actually solves the problem! Thanks!
@mvollrath said:
I realize this is an old post but I figured out a work around to this issue and wanted to share if people are still encountering this problem.
In Max select all the objects you want to export, go to Utilities > Reset Xform > Reset Transform > Reset Selected
Then Export Selected and when you import your .3ds file into SketchUp everything should now be in the right place.
I hope this helps! Cheers!