Using script written in notepad++
Hi guys just tried to save some ruby script (.rb file) from notepad++ into my plugins. It says I need administrators permission to save it in this location. any advice on how to get around this. It's probably really obvious but my brain has decided to stop functioning. thanks.
Before we fix your 'permissions'... as you save a .rb file ensure that its Encoding is 'UTF-8 without BOM' [aka 'ANSI as UTF-8'] - this will ensure cross-platform compatibility etc. You can have that set as Notepad++'s default...
Now for the 'permissions'...
You'll probably need to have Admin privileges to do what follows...
The Plugins folder inherits its security-permissions form the folder that contains it.
To change this open the Sketchup folder and select the Plugins folder's icon.
Right-click > context-menu > Properties > Security > Edit: change all its settings to 'FULL' [for you, and others if appropriate].
Apply/OK to close and save these changes.
Check that the permissions have filtered down to subfolders etc within Plugins too...
Now you should be able to readily read/write/add/delete files/folders etc.
Have you not had terrible problems installing tools manually with the permissions set so awry ?As well as the 'Plugins' folder you might also want to fix the permissions of three other Sketchup subfolders, into which you will want unfettered access from time to time - Components, Materials and Styles...
Thanks TIG, just made those changes now gonna see how it works.
I can know save that file to my plugins folder thanks. I have encountered another stumbling block however, for some reason this file won't show up on my list of extensions i want to install or on my plugins dropdown in sketchup. any ideas how I might solve this? thanks for your help again.
Have you added your plugin to a menu (or toolbar or anything else)? your plugin an "extension" according to SketchUp's definition?
Check out this: -
Because you haven't given us the slightest clue about how you have structured your script how could we hope to help you
There are by now many example scripts around to give you a clue on how to construct one...
You speak of 'extension' - have you constructed you tool in two parts ? a loader and a main script in a subfolder? Have you given it a menu.context-menu/toolbar etc...
Looks like you have some way to go