Simple Artisan examples collection
Nearly all downloads without any comments ...
Hi Cotty!
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about this.
Don't worry about the apparently ingrateful downloaders!Some of these borrowers will eventually end up sharing things too...
Let's see the glass half-full and consider the fact they downloaded your models shows how great they are!
Thanks for your models and thanks again for this great thread!
Nicolas -
Cute kitchen scales Cotty! Ungrateful download is the greatest compliment. :; or something like that, I forget where I copied that...
@pbacot said:
Cute kitchen scales Cotty! Ungrateful download is the greatest compliment. :; or something like that, I forget where I copied that...
nice work cotty.
hey cotty,
Would you like to see any of your models 3D printed? If so, which one(s)?
(Or share a new one)
Here's one of my faves...
Is it your Replicator (one color)?
I think, some models which are good printable are (priority 1-5):
- Art_01 (3)
- Art_02 (4)
- tabletopsoccer (as in your photo, 2)
- piggy bank (1)
- hand (4)
- icosahedron (5)
- chair_07 (1)
- fan (2)
- wheel (3)
- speaker (2)
These would be great, but they are perhaps not printable with a FDM (?)
@cotty said:
Is it your Replicator (one color)?
Yep! I currently only have red and black to choose from. (The red looks pink in the photo due to the lighting)
I printed a small version of the piggy bank the other day. It turned out nice! I'll probably try more of your models over the course of the next few weeks.
But quid of the water ?
A window pane ? -
Virtually virtual virtuality???
@unknownuser said:
But quid of the water ?
A window pane ?No, it's a little bit more difficult. There is a special switch at the back of the vase. You can switch on a magic field which prevents the water from leaking...
Here you can see the effect (patent pending): -
Curious decrease inverse effect on the 2 bottom magnifying glass! -
Very nice!
I love the vase
simple is the best! quads are the way forward, really neat mesh....but mind numbing at times
@cotty said:
A flower vase out of an octaherdron...
(should be printable, Dale)
Why yes, it is! Time for a family photo...
Keep 'em coming, this is fun!