[WIP] [Fan Animation] Super Meat Boy
@olishea said:
it reminds me of the classic mario games, the gradients and layers....you can't go wrong!
Mario was a great deal of inspiration for the people that made this game...Thanks for the encouragement!
iichiversii - I get really inspired by watching your work and I mean it! Not many people is using sketchup for character animation but I am hoping that changes soon. I am practicing so that maybe in the future I can make some tutorials.
There are some nice tips you are giving me and I'll be sure to study them. For now I am exploring on using SimFonIA Animation Tools and I have found that I can switch objects when needed by using the key-frame editor.
Here is what I have done so far;
Whow, that 2D animation is coming on great, hard to believe the entire animation is done in sketchup, well done, must be very time consuming to put this together, fantastic
so much better than i expected it to be!
Thank you both for replying I am happy with the animation so far...only a little more work to finish it.
I guess its is safe to say I am little bit more than half way for competing this level and the next step after that is to animate it.
Here is the latest video update of the Super Meat Boy fan animation.
That's fantastic, as I look at it I'm convinced I'm looking at the game itself, very impressive
iichiversii - thanks for the compliment!
Its been a while since my last update but I am still working on it little by little. Here is yet another video update of the progress so far...I hope you like it!
Everything was created with SketchUp and SimFonIA Animation Tools even the credits.
You did an amazing job with this R, the attention to detail is highly accurate, the simfonia team may not be gamers but they should be impressed non the less with what you have created here using their tools, well done, I myself played this game and for those who don't know of this game it was created by 2 independent game developers, originally it was a very popular flash game and fans wanted more, this game sold over 20k copies on Xbox live arcade on its first day release and the developers sacrificed 2 yrs of their life's developing it, there is a documentary movie following their development phase and if you haven't seen it its worth the watch, amazing work R, look forward to seen more from you in the future
Blown away!!
Love the style!
Can't wait to see the end result
That is excellent!
Seeing everyone is comments is really encouraging so thank you all.
iichiversii is right and if you have not seen 'Indie Game the Movie' I hope you take the time and go to watch it. I know people don't like it when others try to sell them things without them asking for it but I am just recommending
If you want there is a bundle sell of 6 games & documentary were you set the prize you want to buy it with controls over what money goes to developers, charity that helps children in need to have games this Christmas to play with and more.
Here is the link; http://www.humblebundle.com/#popup-indiegamethemovie
Also Steam is giving great deal for the movie and games as well; http://store.steampowered.com/
Again thanks for the comments!