My introducion
Good evening.
I like to introduce myself as a new member of this forum and iĀ“m happy to get many inspiration, visions, support and exchange in this interesting forum. The further i hope, that also i can give a little part of inspiration and support to that amazing Field
IĀ“m a 42 years old german (male), a Trader as a Stonemason and Sculptor and also a Woodcarver (but now out of that buisnesses). The further i was active over 20 Years in the field of theatre (Amateurs and as a studied Theatrapaedagogue). My speciality in theatre is/was to build sceneries and effects and puppets. Today iĀ“m restless of new impulses and i like it very much to learn many more about 3D-Modelling, Rendering, use of Light, Animation; but iĀ“m in the very beginnings.
Kind regards
SynthesisP.S.: Also iĀ“m happy to get more experience in written english here and i have to say sorry first, if not all is perfect.
Willkommen. You have come to the right place
Hi Synthesis,
welcome to Sketchucation
Much thanks for the wellcomes!