What Software to learn
You'll love Blender once you start.
It's is so much fun and the workflow with SU is great.
Once you begin to understand the material setup it becomes second nature.
Not to mention it's UV Editor and Texture Painting. -
I would try Blender and Moi. I did.
I ignored most of the features in Blender and concentrated on the modelling until i was used to the hotkeys. From then on it was easy to integrate the other features which work better on a well constructed model.
Moi is just extremely logical. Read the PDF UI descriptions in the manual which are very clear and as a Sketchup user you should be good to go.
For fun, hobby and Pro
(for Polys Blender and a big learning curve)
I will say Moi! (Moment Of Inspiration)
That is the more crazzy funny easy Prog for Designers and Artists! (after Sketchup
You don't see this anywhere! The SU of Nurbs
Created for be used with a Pen Graphic!!! (A mouse or some Space Navigators can be also used)
So don't lost the hand artistic filling for drawing voluptuous curves! (2D or 3D)Incredible Ergonomy!
Learning curve same SU!
Best drawing aspect of curves in any old computers!
Best transformation Nurbs to OBJ format!
And this : you have the direct link with the creator!!!Have fun modeling!
Ps Fully compatible with Rhino <-> Moi by Crtl + C / Ctrl + V on the 2 ways!!!
Export SKP supportedIn Free you have an infinite Demo existing without save for take the time to explore the Nurbs' world!
And the button print Screen existing + a save Screen HD (by a shortcut script) at any size following your graphic card!here 2560, 2560
script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( v != null ) { moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; }
Click for zoom !
by Marc Moisi
by PaQ
Gentlemen, thank you all of you, I think I have a battle plan now. I'll look into MoI, and hopefully, I will be able to import into Rhino, for dimensions and such. Or, who knows, Michael will implement that in the future. For Blender, there are some good render engines available, so purtty images are solved. My biggest concern about learning Blender would be....nodes. Polygonal and sub-d modelling I'll manage, because I understand the concept, and I did some "gymnastics" over the years with some different apps. But nodes are new to me. I think these are the best option for me right now, I'll thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions.
Stefan -
@unknownuser said:
for dimensions and such. Or, who knows, Michael will implement that in the future
Maybe for the V3 because some many users have asked that
Haha, that will be great! Pilou, sorry for the noob question, but what exactly should I do with that script?
I played already with MoI, and I loved it. I'll register to the forum, to say hi to you and to Michael.
The more softwares you learn the easier it is to learn the next one
The tools are pretty much similar
You can use VRay I'm sure you can handle nodes in Blender.
@unknownuser said:
but what exactly should I do with that script?
How use it ?
copy past it in the right column of the Options Menu's Shortcut
in the left column you put any free combinaison of keys (like Alt + J)
And call it at any time you want when you have some cool things at the screenWhat is it's use ?
it permits to save any screen shot in HD format at any size inside the clipboard
like 10 000 * 10 000 pixels if you have a very big memory inside your graphic card !
it's a cool trick if you use only the free version -
I'd suggest Blender as it has pretty much everything you will ever need.
Try this tutorial, I'm busy with it at moment when I get time: http://www.lynda.com/Blender-2-5-tutorials/Blender-2-6-Essential-Training/87088-2.html
Sent from my ASUS Slider SL101 using Tapatalk 2
Do you think blender is useful for archviz work?
Pilou, thanks, it works!
@ Stefanq
@unknownuser said:
Do you think blender is useful for archviz work?
http://www.uncreated.net/ and bounce on the author Yorik
By Yorik with Cycles (Blender)