Furniture Models
Very nice. Thanks.
Desk is great & useful! -
thank you for sharing for very nice models of nice furniture
Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
Like them? They're fantastic. Very impressive design, models, and nice "photos" too. That you've built these is even more wonderful. Thanks for sharing! Peter
Thank you for sharing your very nice models.
Here is a bathroom vanity. The sink was from Formfonts, so I can not include. Most of the renders here are Thea. I think there are a couple from Twilight.
¡Thank you!
Here is a whole bedroom set. Once again no mattress or pillows could be shared.
Everyone loves a leg with curves.
Simply thank you very much!! So High Quality furniture
Thanks for the great models!
Thanks you very much for these uploads !
I was wondering how you achieved a so beautiful render, which other pieces of software than SU do you use ?
Stephan, I use Thea render for all of my rendering needs. In the past, I have used Kerkythea and Twilight along with trying out many others. Thea is one of the most versatile rendering applications out there. Check out a demo and try it out.
@l_breault said:
Here is a whole bedroom set. Once again no mattress or pillows could be shared.
These are fantastic models and the renderings you've made to display them are lovely. Thanks for sharing these!
thx for sharing your models..hehe