Making a SketchUp game named "Resballiza"
Does it a special install or more files to install than Resballiza.rb ?
You have not an only zip file ?
I have run it, I have the Menu Inside the Menu Plugins,Resballiza Demo level, but nothing happen ?
tested under V7 -
@unknownuser said:
Does it a special install or more files to install than Resballiza.rb ?
You have not an only zip file ?
I have run it, I have the Menu Inside the Menu Plugins,Resballiza Demo level, but nothing happen ?
tested under V7Apart from the "resballiza.rb" file being in the plugins directory of sketchup you also need to have the folder included in the link named "resballiza". If you have the "resballiza.rb" and resballiza folder with all the files inside the plugins directory it should work unless there is incompatibilities with a version of sketchup lower than 8. I will see if I can find the problem.
@unknownuser said:
So it's normal if I had onl the RB!
Ok I will made a new test when I have some free times!
But It's some painful to download file one by one!
A one Zip file will be a lot of better!Ok I have included the zip and just in case saved the sketchup file of the level in version 6. Also for the time being the sounds are disabled until problem is fixed.
So it's normal if I had only the RB!
Ok I will made a new test when I have some free times!
But It's some painful to download file one by one!
A one Zip file will be a lot of better! -
Thanks for the ZIp file!
All works fine now! (tested on V7)
Have you a test (or other thing) for be sure there is not a fully horizontal line of balls ? -
Well good question…
There are 10 white balls that will each reset a value of 100 of each other in the z axis when they reach the bottom of the screen.Examples of reset value in z axis;
ballZa = 900 ;
ballZb = 1000 ;
ballZc = 1100 ;
ballZd = 1200 ;
ect…There is a possibility that after a period of time they will be near parallel of one another but to create horizontal line will be unlikely since the x axis is generated randomly. Not saying is not impossible...I guess I will have to test it and see if it happens.
Impossible is always probable :Murphy's law!
I hope Murphy is right because solving the sound effect problem its beginning to look impossible. I will try to work on other parts of the game until eureka shows at the door.
@unknownuser said:
I hope Murphy is right because solving the sound effect problem its beginning to look impossible. ...
Did you try the <embed> tag yet?
It is not impossible.. we are having you the obvious simple possibilities first (because they are likely to be cross-platform, and because the system specific solutions are very advanced programming exercises.)
Here is a video update;
To download the latest SketchUp game version go here;
Did you make the background a watermark ??
@dan rathbun said:
Did you make the background a watermark ??
Thanks...Yes its watermark image. I was planing for the future to build animated backgrounds. Maybe using SinfonIA animation tools since it is so easy to use, but that will require other people to have the plugin as well to see the animations.
Latest video update:
To download the latest SketchUp game version go here;
I have made a thread in the plugins section to showcase the game. here is the link;
Notes: For the highest score feature I have tried and failed to store the value of the last highest score in a cookie so if you close sketchup and later come back the value will remain. I guess that will be a feature to add later then.
Hey, great job! It looks great!
@chris fullmer said:
Hey, great job! It looks great!
Chris thank you very much!
Video Update #3
To download the latest SketchUp game version go here;