Real estate agents ...
"Dear mr. Real Estate Agent,
I just saw the ad for the 3-storey house you're selling. Looks very nice. Could you please tell how much it costs, how big it is and what its adress is?
Thank you,
"Dear prospective customer,
Thank you for your email. Please allow me to simply ignore your questions. If you have any more, don't hesitate to contact us. In the meantime, we'll add you to our mailing list. We'll send you countless emails you didn't ask for. Don't bother looking for an 'unsubscribe' link. There isn't one.
Have a nice day,
Mr. Real Estate Agent"
When you do your research, find the website in which you want to order product, see that what you want is "in stock" and you place your order. THEN you get an email saying that one of the items you ordered is out of stock and that you must 1) Wait for all the items to be in stock before shipping or 2) Request your in stock items to be shipped then when the out of stock item is in pay extra shipping.
Thankfully after I explained that it was their error (like they needed to be told) they agreed to ship my partial order now and I not pay extra shipping when the other item comes in. We'll see if my bank statement reflects that promise.
Or ... you don't get an email. Nor a call. I ordered a PIXMA Pro9500 Mark II some time ago. After a week, it still hadn't arrived. So I call the shop. They tell me it's going to take about a month for my printer to be delivered. Which they knew at the time I placed my order. I don't mind waiting - but I do most certainly appreciate being kept in the loop.
Apparently, the German government now wants to tax the pensions they pay to Belgian citizens who were forced to do hard labor in Nazi Germany. The tax is retroactive, too (starting from 2005).
Un-bloody-believable. Whoever came up with this, needs a beating.
I'd love to meet him.
@unknownuser said:
Apparently, the German government now wants to tax the pensions they pay to Belgian citizens who were forced to do hard labor in Nazi Germany. The tax is retroactive, too (starting from 2005).
Un-bloody-believable. Whoever came up with this, needs a beating.
Is this true?
Please provide some more information. -
Germany tax levy on Belgian Nazi slave labourers provokes fury
A decision by Germany to levy a tax on pensions received by Belgians who were slave labourers for the Nazi regime during the Second World War has provoked fury among survivors.
The Telegraph (www.telegraph.co.uk)
Some sort of solution has been worked out, I believe.
Thank you Tom.
Wow! -
Thieving bastards kicked my bike!
Now I'm a pedestrian.
@solo said:
The response from the five people in the audience was overwhelming.
@thomthom said:
Thieving bastards kicked my bike!
Now I'm a pedestrian.
May all their plugins be posted to the
wrong directory. -