My WIP Thread
Interior Design Proposal Work for an apartment.
Very nice work
My only comment would be that the furniture doesn't look all that inviting, too squarish, the cushions could be rounded a bit or something. And the wood textures don't look real, at least to me
Thanks for your feedback. There are two problems I'm facing right now. One is that of my computer hardware, which is pushed to limits. Its giving me trouble when I try to use high poly stuff and high resolution textures in sketchup. Second is to start learning soft (curve/free ?) form in sketchup, particularly the furnishings like you pointed out. Texturing those also needed to be learned as well. Any tips?
Some More
Too many "earth tones", that's what I get from my wife.
Struggle with inserting some life and color, I do.Sorry, didn't see the last with pillows.
Loving the renders and modeling!
Only suggestion I can come up with is to make some corners less 'harsh'/sharp, like on the chairs and couch in 'Living Room 4'.
Keep up the great work!