Select faces with back color
Hi, all!
I need to import AC3D models into Sketchup. I use a 3-step (AC3D-3DS-Sketchup) procedure that works quite well. Problem: some 2-sided AC3D faces result in some backfaces being visible in Sketchup. Selecting and flipping them manually is easy but boring.
Is it possible to write a script to select at once every visible backface in a group? I have looked in the API's doc but don't see how to do it.
Thanks in advance,
ThierryP.S: on my system at least, the right-click menu doesn't work for that.
How is such a tool going to establish whether a face is 'inside' or 'outside' a form ?
It'd be possible with a 'solid', but with loose faces who is to say what is the right way round ?
There are several 'face reversing' tools around - open the 'Plugins Index' page and use your browser's search for 'reverse' or 'flip' etc...
Find one that suits you... I think Didier's tool reverses all 'backwards' active faces that are looking at the current camera, which might do what you want best...