Where is it? I am on my way to buy the ticket now.
Very beautiful. I usually paint landscapes. I am gearing up to do my first 3D lanscape and this scene is very inspirational. Can you tell where you got those palm trees please? And can you give me advise on how to incorporate a natural background. I'm using Kerkythea right now but I plan on buying Thea really soon. Thanks.
One more view with more colour saturation than the last couple.
A dusk shot,again rendered in Thea and post proccessed in photoshop.
I have also attached a cropped version with some slightly different colour tones(more purples and reds) but also a more rectangular proportion which I think works better for this image.The second image is also less grainy as it was from a thea render that was allowed to render for longer,thereby reducing the amount of grain in the image.
One more with some saturated colours and quite a high contrast
Looks like something done with VUE.
Very nice. -
Beautiful work!
I really like the grass, although I've never cared for palm trees (they kept stationing me in Fla and I got sick of them, I like trees that provide lots of nice shade. I loved the big old Banyon trees down there, with all the Spanish Moss hanging down)
That's it I'm over it! Not looking at your posts anymore! Every freakin time I just get depressed - 1. I want to visit your scenes and 2. I feel like a monkey's arse as a render artist!