Problem projecting texture onto curved surface
I am trying to make a sort of badge for my students based on a shield that I found in the 3D warehouse and some icons that I found. Projecting works fine, but it 'tiles' the image no matter what I do. I use the texture reposition tool, I use the pins to distort the image as I put it onto a parallel, flat surface of equal size (as I learned to do from here):
And looking at it on the parallel surface, it is the right size and everything looks fine. But as soon as I hold the option/alt key and click on the texture with the paint bucket, it immediately resizes the image and it tiles again. I have done this over and over and can't seem to sort it out. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Ben,
Just a wild stab in the dark: are you not trying to apply the (projected and then sampled) material on a group/component by any chance? This would explain what you are describing as projected (or in any way positioned) materials can only be applied on bare geometry. If it is a group/component,
- edit it first (keep double clicking until you get to the faces/surfaces),
- sample the material from that "prepared face" (now outside the group/component - but it will work this way, too)
- and apply it to the face/surface inside the group/component.
If this is not the solution, please, post your model so that we can have a look.
Thanks for the reply. I had exploded the component before applying the texture. In fact, I figured it out right after I posted, but had to wait for a moderator (you?) to approve the post. I was just pressing the wrong key to sample (duh). I think the tutorial had me pressing option/alt when it was supposed to be command. After that it was fine.
OK, all right. So it works then... (And I also keep forgetting which Mac key corresponds to the PC keys).
Anyway, the info about positioning / projecting materials onto groups/components above may still (hopefully) be useful next time (or for others).