A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Welcome vhyck
One way to find Plugins: Click the big red "Plugins Index" button at the top of the forum page. Use your browser page search to find the word "round" Or scroll through the page by author.
In this forum the current plugin is usually in the FIRST post under the [Plugin] titled thread. Be sure to download all the required files.http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=35746
This is the place to start learning about installing.http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewforum.php?f=323&start=0
This is the Plugins forum under "Resources/Plugins" There is more information on where to get plugins, and how to install and use them, in the different threads.There is also this: http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/download/rubyscripts.html
This is a page found if INSIDE SketchUp you click Menu item: "Help/Learn about Ruby Plugins".Note: Roundcorner.rb is a plugin that must be activated (check mark) inside SU using Menu item: "Preferences", tab:"Extensions". (not all plugins are)
Again, welcome to the forums! Peter -
hello new on this forum help me welcome myself thanks of being here ill will take a long walk on this forum site hope it helps me improve how to use sketch up thanks guys
Hello, my name is Antonio Guerreiro! I'm happy to be part of this forum. Congratulations on there! I want to learn a lot from you all here. I love projects mainly in wood!
Hello Ucation and thank you for memberizing me..
I am totally new not only to this forum but to sketchup also. I have no experence with sketchup and was looking for resources and just happen to be reading an article and someone mentioned this your site, so here I am..... I am an avide woodworker and I wanted to learn how to draw the things I think of. I looked at a couple of the posted pics with the 3D renderings and loved what i saw could be completed. Thank you and sorry for spelling and carrying on.
Dan C in Northern California -
Hey everyone!
Nice forum. I got some great info from posts here and there and thought I would join to say thanks where thanks is due.
I do have a question, but I'll search around for an existing answer first.
I'm a second year Construction Management student, and have been using SU for three years now, and have used it to design furniture, house extensions, building takeoff models (sort of BIM) and piece together building systems for my job as an estimator / contract admin.
Sometimes we come across a new system we haven't used before and I virtually build it in SU to look ahead for any issues. It's saved us lots of time and money in the past. Best of all, I get paid to play with SketchUp!
Anyways, talk to you all soon.
Hi all,
Just thought I'd introduce myself.
My names Moogle (its a nickname not my real one!) and I've been gradually dabbling with SU for just over a year.
Mainly using it for making model train stuff I need.
I've just found this forum. Looks like its gonna help me a lot! -
Hi Moogle and wlcom!
There are a bunch of train enthusiasts here - feel free to browse around (unfortunately the forum search function is rather crappy though if you do not exactly know what you are searching for)
Thanks Gaieus!
I'm sure I'll find them/things eventually.
Just found the solid inspector plugin.
Hopefully it'll cure the holes I keep getting when I export to a dae file!
If not I'm sure there's other things on here that will help.Cheers
You will find out... Just ask questions and you my be surprised how many useful plugins there are out there - but of course, mastering the native, "manual" tools should always be the first.
Planning on converting my deck into a room and would like to design it in SketchUp.
Downloaded SketchUp and now I'm browsing through the forum looking for tips etc.
Didn't know that sketchup uses plugins. If anyone knows of a plug in free or otherwise that would help me, I'd appreciate the info.thanks;
Hey folks, how are things going? I'm Rapidkirby3k, also known as RK3 for short.
While I'm a newbie at creating 3D models in SketchUp at this time, I decided to join this forum to learn more about its features and techniques. In fact, my first 3D experience was actually when I played around with an old program named POV-Ray, using LEGO models in 3D many years ago.
Also, according to my personal list of ideas in OpenOffice, I plan to use some of my own models for creative usage in Photoshop CS5, such as artworks and maybe webcomics.
With my introduction out of the way, I thought I'd say hello to the SketchUcation people! =D
Hi Michael and welcome.
'webcomic' you say. We have had some guys here into this end of things. I'd be interested in seeing anything you may care to share on this art form.
Hi myself Awan Ahmad n m an architect by profession..working on sketchup for the past 3 years but still need to learn a lot. I have a very basic knowledge of sketchup, came to know about sketchup forum and i believe its going to help alot in understanding the sketchup properly.
thankx everyone for making this page
Welcome to the Forum, Awan.
Hi My name is Stuart,
I retired a few years ago and have been using sketchup as occupational therapy and with a purpose. I had a fairly unique second career as I founded Collectors Cases and created the products that my company put onto the walls of British pubs and hotels and further around the world. I have been asked to demonstrate some of my techniques of 3D framing, but do not wish to travel so I have been using SU to create the 2D graphics, I should like to go further with rendering to show how 3D artwork could look in the actual decor market and also to animate the virtual reality of my workbench to get the demonstration of skills more firmly embedded into my articles.
I only learnt to switch on a computer after I retired and as purchase of software is in conflict with my pension, I tread cautiously.
Hi, Stuart, and welcome.
I wish you the best in your new work/ play. -
Thanks for that message of welcome Mitcorb. I am exploring the ruby scripts and plug-ins for the best ones to suit my understanding and competence so-far. I have successfully installed a plug-in, (follow me and keep) so that fact that my Sketchup working files on my C-drive are still titled Google did not affect this?
My intention is to link my new skills with Sketchup to a website, which gives instruction in a practical application, so at the moment I am exploring this forum to find the best ways to go.
It is a very interesting mental adventure, fortunately I have the time to indulge but not possibly the expectancy of life to get all the way as there is so much here.
In its simplest form my business was putting models in glass cases, constructing a glass case is relatively simple in Sketchup, creating the models that show how different styles of presentation can be used is more difficult.
If the pathway I am treading be of interest to others, I hope to find the niche where I can give back something in appreciation for the knowledge I have gained.
I too, am using SU as a pastime. I'm retired 25 years, from railroading. I was a Locomotive Engineer at a time when the Federal government allowed us to work 16 hours a day, 7 daya a week. It has taken me 25 years to slow down. I dabbled in 2D Cad for all that time. I think I've used almost every free Cad program there is. I bought Autocad, big mistake, very large learning curve. Been using SU for 10 days and I am realy impressed. I have one question to start with. Is there a published opinion of the sequence in architectual drawing. I've tried a few different things, that all make my journey harder after an hour or so.
Hi all, my name is Jerry and I have had SU8 loaded on my Win XP SP3 machine for awhile but just started playing with it about a month ago.( and when I say playing, I mean playing) I have no drawing background nor engineering skills. My interest stems from my desire to draw and then make plans for RC airplanes(also very new to me). I have spent some time playing with many plugins and am still having trouble trying to make wing rib shapes(airfoils) which I can reliably duplicate and scale to my needs. I have tried Bezier tools and cannot reliably duplicate a perfect shape the next time I try. It is not a one size fits all deal as there are around 4-500 different wing profiles out there and about 6-7 I'd like to master in SU. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated(please remember no engineering knowledge here).
Thanks for having such a great Forum.
"I know getting old sucks, but it sure beats the alternative"