Create Text-object
Searching this Forum and the Sketchup-API I couldnĀ“t find a way to create a text-object, but only found methods to manipulate existing text-objects.
What IĀ“m trying to do ist creating labels for faces and edges to identitfy them, like "Edge_01". IĀ“m aware of the fact, that there is no easy way to attach these labels to the corresponding entity by ruby, but that wouldnĀ“t be to bad, since the labels will just disappear when the model or the camera-view changes.But is there really no way to create a text-object using ruby?
I've moved this to the Developers' Forum as it's more appropriate.
The various Text methods you have found relate to manipulating existing text...
To add text you need to use an Entities method.
You will see that is where you add many kinds of object into the model.
The 'entities' can be model.entities, model.active_entities, group.entities or definition.entities - so where you add objects is very flexible...
For example:group=model.active_entities.add_group()
adds a new group into the 'current context', thengroup.entities.add_text(string, point, vector)
adds some text inside the group... -
Of course youĀ“re right, I only browsed the Entity-Classes, not the Collection-classes, although I already created some faces using add_face...shame on me.
thx for your quick response!