User friendly photorealistic render for SU for Mac
Hello all!
I'm brand new here and brand new in rendering, but more than familiar with sketchup.
I'm creating interiors partitially in my work and I didn't render anything in SU so far.
I'll very happy if you give me a direction -which render would be best for a complete rendering beginner. And in the same way - it would be great if it is easy to use, but this is not a must. The most important is to provide great photorealistic images!
I wanted to try Twilight, but it is not developed for Mac, I think.
Is Maxwell great at photorealistic projects?Thanks a lot in Advance!!!
Welcome to the forums. There are a limited no. of renders out there for Mac unfortunately but a couple are Maxwell plugin very easy to use and Kerkythea both free. Kerky has a known bug with the .dmg but it will install if you read enough of the forums on the subject. As with any program the more you know the better your renders will be. Look forward to some of your renders here post in WIP and plenty of people to help you might find this site usefull.
discussion here
mwm5053, many thanks for you reply!
The link with the sample is really very useful andit gives a good impression of all the renders.