A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Hello all from a newbie...
I am totally new to SU, but I am looking to use it to help with my utility mapping needs.
I have been learning the basic functions and have a couple of plugins loaded. One is the pipealongpath ruby tool and the other is the roundcorner toolset from Fredo6.
I am looking specifically for the answers to the following...
Is there a utility to replace the sharp angular bends on lines (something like round corners does with geometric shapes)? Perhaps roundcorners does this bit I couldn't get it to work for me on just lines...
Is there a utility to draw lines based on geocoordinates (latitude and longitude, or lat, long and elevation)?
I am hoping to be able to plot the start and finish of lines (or a number of points along a line or lines) using geolocation and have them drawn in my sketch with the appropriate bends depending on the parameters that I specify for a material. For example, if a 300mm plastic pipe is the specified material, then I would like to have a 300mm radius 90 degree elbow show where the line takes a 90 degree bend. I don't necessarily want to draw them as pipes, but rather just represent the centreline of the pipe so as not to us up too much bandwidth...
Thanks in advance and cheers,
Hello, Steve:
Maybe "3dskeng" is the tool for you. I believe there is a trial version and a pay version. Seems it does fittings too. There may be another pipe tool that approaches this one. Otherwise, "Pipe Along Path", "Lines 2 Tubes". But you will have to create the arcs yourself and link/"Weld" them together on the path. Get Weld at Smustard. Lines2Tubes either at Ruby Library Depot, or possibly in the Plugins Index- red button at top of this page? -
Good Morning:
I am a retired stock broker from the Boston Massachusetts USA area and have been using SketchUp for several years. To keep myself busy I have been designing and building Sheds, Cabanas and out buildings for a few years. I begin with an ad in Craigslist. Once a customer has contacted me and wants to proceed, I begin with a SketchUp design. After tweaking the design to satisfaction I sign a contract and begin precutting the lumber. For this I use SketchUp in a very linear design. Rafters, Joists, and sheathing.
Recently, however, I have purchased from Fine Woodworking two references. One a book (SketchUp guide for woodworkers by Timothy Killen and similar video's by Dave Richards. The video takes you through "how to set up the program, use drawing tools, navigate in a 3-D space, refine drawings, and create shop-ready plans." Like a Highboy. For me it's a lot of learning but at 66 I want to keep myself active and it's fun.
Finally, in the not to distant future, I am going to build a beautiful Post and Beam home in New Hampshire and will use SketchUp to design it. Referencing http://www.northernlightstimberframing.com/su/.I found SketchUcation referenced in the video by Dave Richards and glad he did.
I work for a small manufacturing company and am considering SketchUp as a solution to our modeling needs. We make pretty basic parts, but sometimes it is useful to send our customers a 3D picture of the part so that they can have a visual of how it will fit into where they're going to put it. I downloaded SketchUp maybe two weeks ago and am shocked at how simple it is to draw 3D objects.
I'm currently exploring file compatibility with TurboCAD and the eDrawings plug-in so that we can easily send our drawings to customers and they can "explore" the part.
Looking forward to getting to know everyone and having a great resource for SketchUp.
I am a new user to SketchUcation. I have been using SketchUp for about 2 years now for my job, a drafting technician for a construction company in the US. I bascially am self-taught with SketchUp, and although I feel comfortable with it, I am always looking for improvement. Along with SketchUp, we have been using Shaderlight to render out our SketchUp models. I am still getting the hang of the software and would appreciate any suggestions for improvement. I am always looking for better backgrounds and treelines to improve the look of my drawings, but don't slow down the render. I have seen a few here and they were very nice and helpful. Any advice on where the best place for free stuff, would always be appreciated. Thanks and have a good day, all! -
I am new here at SketcUcation and I found this forum to be of great help to sketchup user like me. I am still an amateur sketchup and vray for sketchup user and I found lots of free sketchup stuffs on this forum so I am looking forward to learn more. Thanks in advance.
Im new here and been playing with sketchup 8 free v. for a month now and im hooked. Been following basic tutorials on youtube and want to learn more and so i signed up here. Thank you.
HEllo my name is Flavio i hope to learn from this forum some tips and tricks for SketchUp fantastic program.
Thank You -
I'm Edi and Hello to all! -
Hello, my name is Mark.
I've been using SketchUp for about a year now. My main focus is in rainwater harvesting and I have found SKP to be a great tool in every aspect of developing a rainwater system. I recently decided to branch out a little and install some plugins and found Sketchucation. I am very pleased with what I have seen so far! Great job, thank you!If you're looking for models of rain barrels, cisterns, rain tanks, specialty fittings, first flush diversion, or anything relating to rainwater harvesting, check out my models in the 3D Warehouse. Search for rainwater harvesting, or type in: SRQrainbarrels
Also, let me know if you need help with one of our models, or have any questions. I will be glad to help in any way I can. -
Good Morning Guys!
Newbie here....
I was sent here by one of the thread i am in,
my question is that how can i get the plugin for round corner? and how to add it so that i can use it in SU8
Hi all!!!
I would like to join to your community!
My name is Cveti. I'm a civil engineer, but my interests are mostly in the fields of architecture and interior design.
I use SU ( the free versions) since a few years and I love it.
My new task is to learn to make a photorealistic renders of interiors, so I'm going now right to the gallery, which I hope will help me to choose the right render for a cmplete beginner.Good luck to all of you!
Welcome vhyck
One way to find Plugins: Click the big red "Plugins Index" button at the top of the forum page. Use your browser page search to find the word "round" Or scroll through the page by author.
In this forum the current plugin is usually in the FIRST post under the [Plugin] titled thread. Be sure to download all the required files.http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=323&t=35746
This is the place to start learning about installing.http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewforum.php?f=323&start=0
This is the Plugins forum under "Resources/Plugins" There is more information on where to get plugins, and how to install and use them, in the different threads.There is also this: http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/download/rubyscripts.html
This is a page found if INSIDE SketchUp you click Menu item: "Help/Learn about Ruby Plugins".Note: Roundcorner.rb is a plugin that must be activated (check mark) inside SU using Menu item: "Preferences", tab:"Extensions". (not all plugins are)
Again, welcome to the forums! Peter -
hello new on this forum help me welcome myself thanks of being here ill will take a long walk on this forum site hope it helps me improve how to use sketch up thanks guys
Hello, my name is Antonio Guerreiro! I'm happy to be part of this forum. Congratulations on there! I want to learn a lot from you all here. I love projects mainly in wood!
Hello Ucation and thank you for memberizing me..
I am totally new not only to this forum but to sketchup also. I have no experence with sketchup and was looking for resources and just happen to be reading an article and someone mentioned this your site, so here I am..... I am an avide woodworker and I wanted to learn how to draw the things I think of. I looked at a couple of the posted pics with the 3D renderings and loved what i saw could be completed. Thank you and sorry for spelling and carrying on.
Dan C in Northern California -
Hey everyone!
Nice forum. I got some great info from posts here and there and thought I would join to say thanks where thanks is due.
I do have a question, but I'll search around for an existing answer first.
I'm a second year Construction Management student, and have been using SU for three years now, and have used it to design furniture, house extensions, building takeoff models (sort of BIM) and piece together building systems for my job as an estimator / contract admin.
Sometimes we come across a new system we haven't used before and I virtually build it in SU to look ahead for any issues. It's saved us lots of time and money in the past. Best of all, I get paid to play with SketchUp!
Anyways, talk to you all soon.
Hi all,
Just thought I'd introduce myself.
My names Moogle (its a nickname not my real one!) and I've been gradually dabbling with SU for just over a year.
Mainly using it for making model train stuff I need.
I've just found this forum. Looks like its gonna help me a lot! -
Hi Moogle and wlcom!
There are a bunch of train enthusiasts here - feel free to browse around (unfortunately the forum search function is rather crappy though if you do not exactly know what you are searching for)