Spaceship (Collaborative Project)
I think we pretty much have it length wise, I'm not satisfied with the shape at the back yet so I'll make some modifications.
You're having trouble with visualising it because I don't work with a specific shape in mind, I'm modifying it until I like it.
You can think about the engine section, we could make it separate from the main body. I think you'd love a dettachable engine section that slides into the main body. It doesn't need to be flush with the main body's contours. You can make something that you'd like and when it's done I'll then think about how to fit it.
I know it's not the way an engineer works...but this is art. After we have the whole body ready and smoothed we can carve it and add stuff to it.
Yeah I noticed I'm the modeller who makes models that are engineered correctly with moving parts and ur the modeller who does it for style and art, none the less this is an interesting project, I always plan around how the model should work but I'll put that aside for now and help get the shape finalised first. So I was reading up on types of space craft and I found a forum on ufo's and the types there are, saucer, triangle and cigar shaped, now I know it's a ship and not really linked to UFO's but I see a cigar shape coming from this design, much like your last ship design which appeared on the last edition of catchup, the size of 200m is a perfect size also, we should exceed it, I was also thinking if it is cigar shaped we should go with a rear engine much like your last design too, not attached engines, it wound just create more problems, just a taught, what are your taughts on the shape Marion ?
By attached engine I mean one big section at the back that hold the powerplant and thrusters.
I do agree that this ship give the impression of being bigger than just 200m. I'm doing now some modifications, that you'll just "love")
EDIT: I think we should do 2 ships based on what we have so far but you take the lead on the next one and I'll try to adapt and since I've taken charge of this one you adapt to my work flow. I think this way we'll both be satisfied.
Added a top component to the the long ship inspired from your animation.
I'm planning of redesigning the pod.
guess what, i modified your model again, dont worry its just an alternative to modifying the pod,
That's not a bad modification actually. I'm still not sure if to adopt it or not, but it's not bad
Did some renders of the previous one.
Simlab Composer. I need to try Thea out next week.
Holy shit , what render engine you using?
thats impressive rendering
dont mind that mod i made, i was just messing around with it -
Marian heres art for ya
LOL, that's spaceship revolver.
when I saw your rendered images it looked like a robotic spider leg, then I played around with it and ended up with that, interesting thu
Ok iv working on the rear thruster, had to scrap a few ideas and start over but I think iv got it cracked, a little more work to be done and I'll post it then, see what you can do with it
. I'm curious to see with what you came up with.
@marian said:
:D. I'm curious to see with what you came up with.
Nearly there Marion, i went tru a few ideas and had to start all over, then i went down that road again where i was engineering it, had to stop, take a walk and start all over, very hard to come up with a design but im nearly finished a design now and made it as simple as possible, will up load later
Curiouser and curiouser.
lol, dont get your hopes up, i could end up with a bag of sh*t
Yaaay 1000 views, and the lucky winner
Ok forgive me Marion, i messed this up, i was going for something along this concept, but it just doesnt suit the ship, very hard to come up with a suited design but ths is what iv got so far.
I can work with that.