1) Avi resolution 2) Photorealistic render
Hi All,
Two questions if I may:-
1)Could anybody explain how to increase the resolution on exported .avi files which I need to show on my company's website and on Youtube, please? At the moment the avi animation has very thick lines. I cannot locate the Export Options dialogue box.
2) I need a high quality still image photorealistic render of the above mentioned file, again to include on our website. Have tried iRender Nxt myself but an proficient enough. Any companies or individuals out there willing to give me a quote for this? Have already tried some online companies but they do not reply to my request...
Thanks in advance.
JT Roberts Associates Ltd
Surveyors/Architects/Civil Engineers -
Hi Jeff, see the screenshot where you can find the animation export options.
To be honest, I generally do not use the avi export but under the file types on the left panel, at the bottom, you can change to image sequences. Make sure to export into a separate folder though.
Then under the options, turn off antialiasing but turn up the export size to double as big as you eventually need. Then I usually downsample the images in a 3rd party application which gives much nicer antialiasing than SU and make the Movie from the still frames in an external editor.As for the still render; what do you need to render?
Csaba, what tool do you use for batch downsizing? or is that done in your video compiler?
Fast Stone Photo Resizer. Free for home use only - but you know that I never sell any video anyway.
It can batch resize, batch crop and all those things. Custom AA settings and alike.