Put this beast on a leash - spirixcode??
There was mention of this plugin some time ago but little discussion. It performs operations which are performed by other separate plugins, but may have the advantage of doing many with a common, more easily understandable interface. It seems to have its own limitations, naturally.
@unknownuser said:
Basically, the plugin allows you to revolve or extrude any 3D sequence of edges (both open and closed loop) about or along the z-axis while rotating, scaling, and/or morphing the selected edges using various interpolative functions. The code utilizes linear, sine, arc1, arc2, arc3, arc4, log10, parabolic, and cubic transforms independently applied to the scaling, axial, radial, and morphing operations.
Any interest? Comments?
Nice headsup Brooke. It seems to to everything from Follow me and Keep through to various lofting, morphing and skinning options. I'm going to have to bookmark that site though...to remember what parameter results in what.