WIP Space Ship
There is plenty of room for repairs within the engine Area. For reference i looked at several real Yacht designs. They have no engine shops either.
Main Function of the vessel is Deep Space Exploration. A vessel that travels deep into unknown areas for scientific purposes like cartographing black holes etc. Also this could be used as a private yacht.
The exterior was one of my first 3d models. I made that with c4d but gave up when i tried to do the interior. About 4 Months ago i ran across the file and decided to try it with SketchUp. The mesh was so ###uked up - it was a nightmare. After hours of cleaning i got something i could work with... I am not the fastest with SketchUp, but this is a perfect Project to learn. Overall i would say i put some 40 hours into the model.
Here are some renders of my original c4d File:
How long have you been working on this beastie? Very well thought out, I'm impressed. A lot of people designing space ships seem to just throw in anything that looks good without any thought to function. Looking forward to seeing this as it progresses.
One question - engineering? I assume there would have to be a place for the engineer(s) to do their work, fabricate/repair parts, monitor the ships systems, things like that? Keep in mind, I really don't know anything about this sort of thing, except maybe what little I've absorbed from years of watching Star Trek.
Ok, two questions - what is the main function of this ship? I mean, it couldn't be a cargo ship, no cargo hold, and it couldn't be a passenger ship, no place for them (except maybe strapped to the wings
). So what is it designed to do?
EDIT - crap, just noticed you had stated that it is a Deep Space Exploration Vehicle. Sorry.
Ok, that begs a few other questions. How long would it be expected to be on a typical mission? The reason I ask that is that the food storage area isn't all that big, and I didn't notice any "replicators" anywhere. Or do they use the cryo units for long missions? And are there no armaments of any sort? After all, when you're exploring you never know what you might run in to.
Jeez, have no idea why I'm asking all this stuff. I need a nap.
Speed should be above light - but even with that a typical mission could last up to 1 Year. The crew would spend most of the time in stasis inside the Cryo-Tanks and only after getting to the mission area they would start working for maybe 2-4 Weeks and then get back. When i think of myself i think i could get along with food stored in an area of 0.5x1.0.2.5 meters for quite some time...
Armaments is still something i need to think about. At least some minor weapons should be included.
And some more Detail, which almost drove me crazy.
Making a landing gear that looks like it would make some sense is a real nightmare...
Here is my result so far:
@sebisebman said:
And some more Detail, which almost drove me crazy.
Making a landing gear that looks like it would make some sense is a real nightmare...
Here is my result so far:
Legs, arms, landing gear...anything that moves always takes the longest to figure out! Looks great however! My trick sometimes it to make the mechanism so complicated and detailed that you dont worry about if it would work people just think it does as you have spent so much time on it. If you look at any of my robots they wouldn't last very long. the only leg detail I really worked on to actually work was my RDA lander model:
If you want to add detail but are stuck on what to add I find panel lines do well for spaceships and work great for shadows and lighting.
Do you really model the panel lines or just use some sort of textures?
I've seen some of your work before - very cool!
@sebisebman said:
Do you really model the panel lines or just use some sort of textures?
I've seen some of your work before - very cool!
Most of the time the panel lines are actual geometry but also painted.
Depends on how fast a job needs to be done. if its a personal project I will always do geometry but if its commercial and time is the key then has to be painted (in my case as I am s*it at textures).\
Here are examples of painted scenes (fake panel lines):
http://m.cmcdn.net/9330119/940x601.jpegAnd these are examples of raw model geometry (actual panel lines):
http://m.cmcdn.net/13885593/940x523.jpeg -
I guess i will model them. Especially at low angles, textures usually don't look very good.
Another question that bugs me is file size - right now my Ship is about 12 MB - which is nice since working on it is really fast. I wonder when Sketchup will start to get nasty...
@Liam: How big is your Helilander-Sketchup File?
@sebisebman said:
I guess i will model them. Especially at low angles, textures usually don't look very good.
Another question that bugs me is file size - right now my Ship is about 12 MB - which is nice since working on it is really fast. I wonder when Sketchup will start to get nasty...
@Liam: How big is your Helilander-Sketchup File?
Didn't spend much time lately on modeling but was fooling around with Keyshot. I must say that texturing is completly new to me. That all looks just too shiny and darkish somehow...