The End of the World?!
@unknownuser said:
Many eagerly persons ask the question: "When will be the end of the world?!, maybe without knowing even what they want ...!?!
The decay time for a supermassive black hole of roughly 1 galaxy-mass (10^11 solar masses) due to Hawking radiation is in the order of 10^100 years
Third law of thermodynamics: As a system approaches absolute zero, all processes cease and the entropy of the system approaches a minimum value.
End of cheap oil and climate change are my main worries. I do not believe total annihilation is imminent but a serious reduction in total wealth and well-being seems unavoidable for the next generation. Hopefully internet will be forever...
@unknownuser said:
Many eagerly persons ask the question: "When will be the end of the world?!, maybe without knowing even what they want ...!?!
I think not. Most of us have no desire to meet the end of the world anytime soon, nor the need to dwell on it, nor the wish for it to arrive to prove anything.
@unknownuser said:
Many eagerly persons ask the question: "When will be the end of the world?!, maybe without knowing even what they want ...!?!
Really? who are these people?
Nobody I know ponders this question, unless we are talking about global climate change or the worlds clean drinkable water issue, but end of the world...nah.
What is it about Christians that dwell on Armageddon, death and destruction so much?
I have bigger things to worry about like if my baseball teams new Japanese pitcher is worth all the money they spent.
EDIT: I deleted most of my original response, because it was far longer than this topic deserves. I don't know anyone who thinks the end of the world is nigh. Anyone who does, really ought to get out more.
End-of-the-Worlders have always been with us. It doesn't matter whether they are religiously inspired or whether they are of the survivalist variety. They are usually misanthropic, anti-social types, who's particular outlook on life leads them to long for the slate to be wiped clean and a fresh start begun...preferably with themselves in the dominant position.
@solo said:
Nobody I know ponders this question, unless we are talking about global climate change or the worlds clean drinkable water issue, but end of the world...nah.
...but mass media always makes references ...
@solo said:
What is it about Christians that dwell on Armageddon, death and destruction so much?
Armageddon is a problem for atheists, not for Christians, because Christians will leave the Earth by about seven years before, during the Rapture...
@starling75 said:
..., with link to “The Heat Death of the Universe”.
'Starling75’, do you allude somehow to verses like this:
“ The day of the Lord will come ..., in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.” (2 Peter 3:10)?! -
@unknownuser said:
Armageddon is a problem for atheists, not for Christians, because Christians will leave the Earth by about seven years before, during the Rapture
You are right, because we do not believe in it.
Great news about the seven years of peace and tranquility without y'all.
Got a date? oh yeah I forgot it's soon right? they have been promising this for thousands of years.
@alan fraser said:
End-of-the-Worlders have always been with us. It doesn't matter whether they are religiously inspired or whether they are of the survivalist variety.
But now, matter very much that there is no a worldwide AUTHORITY (person, institution, government, army , etc.) which can control some possible total destructions...
This means that the whole world, FOR FEAR, will soon establish some global measures, to obtain so-called “peaceful coexistence”.Basically, it will form a World Government, which can be driven only by a DICTATOR, because whole world excels in libertinism (libertinage)!
@solo said:
Great news about the seven years of peace and tranquility without y'all.
In reality, things will be totally different:
“There will be greater anguish in those days than at any time since God created the world. And it will never be so great again.” (Mark 13:19)
This period will end with WWIII...@solo said:
Got a date? oh yeah I forgot it's soon right?
The WWIII will be very soon, and, if lower with those 7 years (Tribulation time), you will find that the Rapture has become an imminent event...!
@unknownuser said:
This means that the whole world, FOR FEAR, will soon establish some global measures, to obtain so-called “peaceful coexistence”.
Basically, it will form a World Government, which can be driven only by a DICTATOR, because whole world excels in libertinism (libertinage)!
Get real, Cornel. Here in Europe, we have little enough trust in our own national leaders...and none at all in the fat cats in Brussels. There's no way in the world that we would stand for a world government. The same goes for any other independently-minded people. The UN is unsatisfactory enough; there is no way that anyone would tolerate a world government run by dictatorship.
So keep your idea of some anti-christ safely tucked-up in your imaginary Lala land, where he belongs.
I'm just amazed that seemingly educated people believe this rubbish.
... it is just the end of troll topics that uses SketchUcation resources without benefit
I'd like to swing this topic in the direction of the End of the Financial World as we know it.
The IMF are now saying that the Financial World as we know it is is deep trouble. One of the main causing it the huge trouble the EU is in. I read the other day that Angela Merkel is now suggesting that it looks like Greece cannot be saved! If it goes, other countries will quickly tumble after.
Ireland is a very small country population wise, about 4 million and going down by the day with our trained and educated youth taking flights to other countries seeking employment
Yesterday our Government paid out €1.2Billion to speculative Bond Holders in the Anglo Irish Bank that the State took over after being told lies about the financial position.
The original Bond Holders that looked to be pension firms etc, sold the bonds they were hold at 50% discount. These bonds where bought by the likes of Goldman Sacks, Rothchild etc. These speculators made profits of $600 million yesterday on the backs of Irish grandchildren. I will never see these debts paid off.
To make matter worse, the Government obtained advise from the speculating bond holder's past directors! Of course the advise was, to pay up! These actions are slowing enslaving the country.
I honestly think that there is a major collapse coming soon that will be the End of the World as we know it! The question is what will, or should replace it.
What about the elephant in the room, the global water crisis that is looming? Soon water will replace oil as a catalyst for war.
Yes Pete, water shortage is quickly becoming a major worry. I suppose the root of the problem is that there are just far too many humans on the planet! We have have discussed this topic before. I think that Mother Nature (God(s) etc) will intervene and bring back some kind of balance in time. The pendulum always swings back!
On the subject of water. Currently, my household water is not being metered but this is going to change next year. The authorities reckon that there will be at least a 10% water usage reduction overnight. I think it will be far higher!
The point I am trying to make is that when we have things for free they are rarely appreciated. Its only when they cost us that we value them.
One of my pet peevs, unnecessary product wrapping is one example of waste that costs us. I now make a habit of emailing companies who's products I have purchased that I consider excessive in the wrapping department. I have even got a few positive responses! In come cases I have calculated that there was more plastic in the actual wrapper than the product!
So, maybe the title of this thread should be changed to How Can We Help Stop The End Of The World (as we know it and may even improve it in some way).
Well...but, Mike, that would go against the original premise that there are so many people fretting about the end of the World, instead of surfing the forums in avoidance of work
Don't you know, it's not avoiding work, it's people using these unbiased renderers - those renders take so long, what can you do but hang out online and talk about the imminent end of the world!?
@andybot said:
Don't you know, it's not avoiding work, it's people using these unbiased renderers - those renders take so long, what can you do but hang out online and talk about the imminent end of the world!?
Unbiased render with a very biased opinion.