Partial-scaling of a dynamic component
Hi there - I'm a rookie needing help!
I want to use dynamic components for creating drawings of modular furniture: one basic example is the shelves, and scaling them so that the length changes, but the end detail does not.
[I've worked out how to constrain the scaling to one axis]
BUT at the end of each shelf the corners are recessed (to slide into upright structure) and these need to stay the same size on all axis' - so when I scale the length, it also stretches this detail. Is there any way to control this, and just scale the length of the overall shelf?
Any help hugely appreciated, cheers -
What you can do is to split the shelf into three separate subcomponents: the ends and a middle section, with the adjoining edges hidden, and use only position attributes for the ends, and scale the mid section. Look at how the sample DC windows are done.
Thankyou Anssi! - I didn't think anyone would understand my confusing question.
Kind regards, Steph