Maxwell plugin saving problems
Hi there folks,
I'm very new to the maxwell render plugin. I'm using it on Sketchup 8 on mac OS lion
My problem is, once I have a finished render in the FIRE screen I hit the save icon. It asks me to give the file a name and to choose where to save it. All very normal, but when I hit save the following text comes up in a sketchup box thing on my screen
'' is not a valid type. Do you wish to choose another?
Anyone got any ideas?
You have to manually give it a file extension as well (".jpg", ".png", etc.)
Jason. -
Great, got my first render out!! happy days
Thanks Jason
I have a similar problem.(On PC with SketchUp8 and Maxwell Free Plugin) I tried to give it a file extension (.jpg)but it keeps telling me --> "The specified directory
\ blabla ... does not exist" I´m going mad I just want it to save the image without the BS!
Has anybody had the same problem? If so how did you solve it?